April 12, 2o17

White House press secretary refers to Nazi death camps as “holocaust centers” after reporter challenges his statement that Hitler did not use chemical weapons. “I understand your point. Thank you. I appreciate that. He brought them into the Holocaust centers, I understand that. I was saying in the way that Assad used them where he went into town, dropped them into the middle of town. I appreciate the clarification.”   http://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/in-the-know/328312-social-media-users-react-to-spicer-calling-concentration-camps   Actually, Spicer is technically correct. Hitler used poison gas as a method of mass execution of prisoners, not as a weapon, in the sense of something lethal used in combat.

United CEO finally apologizes for airline having passenger dragged off plane. “Two days after a uncooperative passenger was grabbed and dragged by a security officer from a United Airlines plane, triggering an uproar and social-media videos viewed by millions, the airline’s CEO issued a full-throated apology for what he called the “horrific event”.”   http://www.bizjournals.com/denver/news/2017/04/11/dragged-united-airlines-passenger-ceo-munoz.html

United reportedly assured federal regulators that all ticketed passengers are guaranteed seats. “Every ticket, of course, guarantees a passenger a seat on the plane, with no additional mandatory seat-assignment charges.”   http://www.ibtimes.com/political-capital/united-airlines-promised-federal-regulators-all-ticketed-passengers-are-guaranteed

Overweight? Have you tried cancer? “The story headline, “How This Woman Lost 44 Pounds Without *ANY* Exercise,” had the lighthearted tone of a piece dealing with healthy eating tips or calorie-counting shortcuts, but instead profiled a woman whose body image improved after she went through a series of health scares.”   https://www.bostonglobe.com/lifestyle/2017/04/11/cosmopolitan-magazine-draws-fire-for-weight-loss-story-about-cancer-patient/tvjkBaBefFB4kw26F2XqOL/story.html

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court granted warrant to FBI to monitor Trump advisor. “The government’s application for the surveillance order targeting Page included a lengthy declaration that laid out investigators’ basis for believing that Page was an agent of the Russian government and knowingly engaged in clandestine intelligence activities on behalf of Moscow, officials said.”   https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/fbi-obtained-fisa-warrant-to-monitor-former-trump-adviser-carter-page/2017/04/11/620192ea-1e0e-11e7-ad74-3a742a6e93a7_story.html

Mexican journalist seeking asylum in U.S. after receiving threats is reportedly to remain in custody. “After Mendez Pineda passed his “credible fear” interview, Spector sought to have him released on parole while his client’s case was pending.”   http://www.rawstory.com/2017/04/mexican-journalists-nightmarish-case-suggests-troubling-changes-to-asylum-process-under-trump/

Some news organizations rushing to investigate United Airlines VICTIM. “This man is in fact a 69-year-old doctor from Kentucky who himself has had run-ins with the law.”   http://www.rawstory.com/2017/04/msnbc-scrambles-to-slime-united-passenger-were-working-hard-to-confirm-he-had-run-ins-with-the-law/   Because anyone who has had a “run-in” with the law becomes a second class citizen who deserves whatever happens to them?

Dashcam video of fatal arrest of Harris County, Georgia teen released. “The Georgia Bureau of Investigation said (Nicholas Dyksma) died from a combination of the stun gun, “compression of the neck and torso” and “acute” methamphetamine intoxication.”      http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/dashcam-video-shows-death-georgia-teen-nicholas-dyksma-fatal-police-n728906

Columbus, Ohio police officer reportedly reassigned after video emerges of him kicking handcuffed suspect in the head. “The suspect, Demarko Anderson, appears to be on the ground with an officer on top of him. Another officer comes from outside of the frame and kicks Anderson in the face.”   http://nbc4i.com/2017/04/10/video-shows-columbus-police-officer-kicking-suspect-in-the-head/

After proposing cutting all funds for PBS, White House reportedly requests Muppets for Easter egg roll. “Sesame Workshop spokesperson Elizabeth Weinreb Fishman revealed that one costumed character would be appearing at the event, a departure from the multitude of Muppets that have showed up for the roll in recent years.”   http://www.rawstory.com/2017/04/white-house-solicits-sesame-street-characters-for-easter-egg-roll-four-days-after-bid-to-end-pbs-funding/

All 18 editorial/analysis articles in five of the biggest circulation newspapers are reportedly supportive of Trump missile strike. “Five major US newspapers—the New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Wall Street Journal and New York Daily News—offered no opinion space to anyone opposed to Donald Trump’s Thursday night airstrikes.”   http://fair.org/home/five-top-papers-run-18-opinion-pieces-praising-syria-strikes-zero-are-critical/   An amazing coincidence!

Gitmo legal staff sue over carcinogenic work environment. “The filing came after a former Guantánamo attorney asked the Pentagon in July 2015 to investigate whether the war court compound was linked to seven cases of cancer among service members and civilians who’d worked there.”   http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/national/national-security/article143862284.html

Those opposing increase in Turkish president’s power say they have little access to media. ““No” supporters have complained of threats and bans from the authorities, and a report by one non-governmental group said television coverage of the “yes” campaign had been ten times more extensive than that of the opposition.”   http://www.reuters.com/article/us-turkey-referendum-no-campaign-idUSKBN17D235

“Slave markets” reportedly operating in Libya. “Victims told (the International Organization for Migration) that after being detained by people smugglers or militia groups, they were taken to town squares or car parks to be sold.”   http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-39567632

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