June 30, 2020

Supreme Court strikes down Louisiana’s restrictions on abortion providers. “Chief Justice John Roberts joined with his four more liberal colleagues in ruling that a Louisiana law that imposes restrictions on doctors who perform abortions violates a right the court first announced in the landmark Roe v Wade decision in 1973.”   https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/06/supreme-court-rules-uphold-abortion-rights-200622132250859.html

China reportedly passes Hong Kong security law. “It would make criminal any act of secession, subversion of the central government, terrorism and collusion with foreign or external forces.”   https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-53230391   These activities are outlawed in almost every country. What about advocacy of secession? How is ‘collusion’ defined? Is there anything being banned in Hong Kong that people in other countries are allowed to do?

Before Russians were allegedly helping kill American soldiers in Afghanistan, Americans were helping kill Russian soldiers there. “… Congress was continually prodding the C.I.A., the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the State Department to provide more support for the Afghan guerrillas, who limped along with relatively ineffective weapons until they got Stinger antiaircraft missiles in September 1986. They used the missiles to shoot down armored Soviet helicopter gunships…”   https://www.nytimes.com/1988/04/18/world/arming-afghan-guerrillas-a-huge-effort-led-by-us.html

Detroit police officer accused of driving SUV through crowd of protesters. “The video, filmed by protester Ethan Ketner, shows a DPD SUV drive through a crowd of protesters after some climbed onto the hood of the vehicle. After a few seconds, the car speeds up, knocking some protesters back and flinging others onto the hood.”   https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/29/us/detroit-police-car-plows-protesters-trnd/index.html    Video here:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiKv85jUUaQ

U.S. House passes Obamacare expansion bill. “The legislation, which passed in a largely party-line vote of 234 to 179, would increase the 2010 health law’s subsidies that help people afford their premiums and add more federal funding for Medicaid expansion.”   https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/505087-house-fires-back-trump-passing-obamacare-expansion

Supreme Court rules that president can fire and appoint directors of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at will. “All five of the Court’s Republican appointees agreed with this decision, while all four of the Court’s Democratic appointees joined a dissenting opinion by Justice Elena Kagan.”   https://www.vox.com/2020/6/29/21307083/supreme-court-cfpb-seila-law-chief-justice-john-roberts-unitary-executive

Supreme Court refuses to hear cases appealing federal death penalty procedures. “Attorneys for the four inmates have argued that the (Federal Bureau of Prison’s) use of a single drug, rather than the three-drug cocktail required in many states, is a violation of a mandate that federal executions be carried out ‘in the manner prescribed by the law of the State in which the sentence is imposed’.”   https://www.npr.org/2020/06/29/884656127/supreme-court-clears-way-for-federal-executions-to-resume

Supreme Court refuses to hear environmental groups’ appeal over border wall. “The Center for Biological Diversity, Defenders of Wildlife and other environmental groups filed the cause in January, arguing the Department of Homeland Security did not have the authority to waive environmental requirements to speed construction.”   https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/505013-supreme-court-wont-hear-border-wall-challenge

Joe Biden promises to partially reverse Trump tax cuts if elected. “Biden also said he would raise the corporate tax rate to 28%, which he said would raise an estimated $1.3 trillion over the next decade. The Trump tax cuts had shrunk corporate taxes to 21% from 35%.”   https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/29/biden-tells-donors-he-will-end-most-of-trumps-tax-cuts.html

Experts question Federal Reserve’s purchases of corporate debt. “… the Fed is not only buying the bonds of struggling companies hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic but also some of the stalwarts of American industry — Microsoft, Visa and Home Depot just to name three companies whose debt the Fed holds directly.  The Fed holds an expansive list of other companies indirectly, including names like Apple and Goldman Sachs, through exchange-traded funds it has purchased.”   https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/29/the-fed-is-buying-some-of-the-biggest-companies-bonds-raising-questions-over-why.html

Radio program discusses the prison-industrial complex. “… it’s a multi-billion dollar industry. Incarcerated people do everything from building office furniture and making military equipment, to staffing call centers and doing 3D modeling.”   https://www.npr.org/2020/06/29/884989263/the-uncounted-workforce   And highly profitable, no doubt.

New York City’s mayor proposes $1 billion cut in police budget. “(Mayor Bill De Blasio) said that the funds will be shifted to programs impacting young people and ‘communities in a way that would help address a lot of the underlying issues that we know are the cause of so many problems in our society’.”   https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/505098-de-blasio-agrees-to-cut-1-billion-from-new-york-police-budget

Iranian protest activist sentenced to death. “(Ruhollah) Zam ran a channel on the messaging app Telegram that spread messages about upcoming protests in 2017 and shared videos from the (demonstrations). That gained him widespread notoriety at the time, including from Iranian authorities wanting to end the protests.”   https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/30/iran-sentences-journalist-ruhollah-zam-to-death

Human rights group claims at least 122 children have been killed during the ‘war on drugs’ in the Philippines, some not by accident. “Some of the children were deliberately killed according to the report, with police potentially targeting those who had witnessed another killing, or claiming they were acting in self-defence. In other cases, children were killed as proxies when the real targets could not be found, as a result of mistaken identities, or were hit by stray bullets, the report says.”   https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2020/jun/30/war-on-drugs-blamed-for-deaths-of-at-least-122-children-in-philippines

Coalition of progressive groups backs Sen. Bernie Sanders and Sen. Ed Markey’s bill to redirect 10% of the military budget for social programs. “The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) currently under consideration in the Senate calls for a $740.5 billion military budget for fiscal year 2021. Last week, Sanders and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) unveiled an amendment that would reduce the proposed outlay by 10% and use the savings to ‘create a federal grant program to fund healthcare, housing, childcare, and educational opportunities for cities and towns experiencing a poverty rate of 25% or more’. Reps. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) and Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) have introduced a companion amendment in the House.”   https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/06/30/60-groups-demand-senate-pass-sanders-amendment-slash-out-control-pentagon-budget-74

Federal judge orders Trump administration to release man from indefinite detention. “Distilled to its core, (the government’s) position is that he should be able to detain Petitioner (Adham Hassoun) indefinitely based on the executive branch’s say-so, and that decision is insulated from any meaningful review by the judiciary,” wrote (U.S. District District Judge Elizabeth) Wolford. “The record in this case demonstrates firsthand the danger of adopting Respondent’s position. Respondent’s position cannot withstand constitutional scrutiny.”   https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/06/29/federal-court-rules-trump-effort-detain-man-indefinitely-without-charges-cannot

Drug company accused of price-gouging taxpayers on coronavirus drug developed with tens of millions in federal money. “Consumer advocates reacted with disgust Monday to an announcement by Gilead Sciences that it will charge U.S. hospitals around $3,120 per privately insured patient for a treatment course of remdesivir, a drug which has proven modestly effective at speeding Covid-19 recovery times…. (Peter) Maybarduk pointed to Institute for Clinical and Economic Review research showing Gilead could still make a profit by pricing remdesivir at $310 per course.”   https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/06/29/absolute-robbery-gilead-announces-3120-price-tag-covid-19-drug-developed-70-million

Former California police officer Joseph DeAngelo pleads guilty to 13 murders. “On Monday, DeAngelo appeared before Sacramento Superior Court Judge Michael Bowman, where he pleaded guilty to 26 counts total — 13 charges of first-degree murder and 13 charges of kidnapping for robbery. Investigators also believe he committed 62 rapes, uncharged because of the statute of limitations.”   https://www.courthousenews.com/golden-state-killer-pleads-guilty-to-13-murders-admits-to-multiple-rapes/

Federal judge rules against New York landlords seeking to evict tenants during pandemic. “Three Westchester-based landlords — Elmsford Apartment Associates LLC, 36 Apartment Associates LLC and 66 Apartment Associates J.V. — brought a federal complaint alleging that (Governor Andrew) Cuomo’s (eviction moratorium) order violates the takings and due-process clauses of the 14th Amendment.”   https://www.courthousenews.com/new-york-landlords-lose-challenge-to-eviction-moratorium/

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June 29, 2020

President Trump retweets video of one of his supporters raising his fist and shouting ‘white power!’ “Donald Trump saw fit on Sunday morning to retweet a viral video of fans of his in the Villages in Florida driving in golf carts festooned with ‘Trump 2020’ signs and rallying each other’s spirits over his faltering presidential campaign with chants of ‘white power’.”   https://www.salon.com/2020/06/28/trump-promotes-video-of-florida-supporters-chanting-white-power_partner/

Louisville police claim man who opened fire on protesters was also a protester. “Steven Lopez is being held in connection with the shooting death of 27-year-old Tyler Gerth, who was fatally wounded after bullets were fired at the Taylor demonstration, according to an arrest citation.”   https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8468775/Protester-23-arrested-fatal-shooting-photographer-Breonna-Taylor-demonstration.html   If you look at the picture in the article of a shirtless Lopez being arrested at an earlier demonstration, you can see that he is dark-skinned and quite fit. Compare that photo to the still from the video of the pudgy-looking, pale-skinned shooter. It doesn’t appear to be the same person, at least not to me. It’s also interesting that the mugshot appears to have been crudely distorted to make Lopez look heftier than he actually is. It’s possible that he was so angry that some of the other protesters asked him to leave that he decided to shoot them, but I’m a little skeptical.

Mississippi legislature votes to remove Confederate flag inset from state flag. “The flag, first adopted in 1894, has red, white and blue stripes with the Confederate battle emblem in the corner.”   https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/28/politics/mississippi-flag-confederate-emblem/index.html

Aurora, Colorado police use pepper spray on Elijah McClain protesters, break up violin vigil in his honor. “I witnessed individuals pepper sprayed and hit with batons. I watched as the police pointed their weapons toward the crowd,” (photographer Giles) Clasen said. “Before it was over, Jeff Hughes stood on a truck and played his violin. Later, Ashanti Floyd ‘The Mad Violinist’ and Lee England Jr. (led) us all while a police helicopter hovered over the group. Their rendition of ‘Killing Me Softly’ was haunting and beautiful.”   https://www.violinist.com/blog/laurie/20206/28342/

Young Republicans rally at American Museum of Natural History in Manhattan to protest removal of Teddy Roosevelt statue. “The protesters Sunday came to defy the nationwide movement that for decades has fought to bring down monuments that, like the Roosevelt statue, have been associated with racism, colonialism and oppression.”   https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/28/arts/design/roosevelt-statue-defenders-natural-history.html   “(Theodore) Roosevelt believed that Americans’ destiny was to follow the European imperialists in shouldering what Rudyard Kipling had termed ‘the white man’s burden’: the duty to impose order and civilization on the lesser, darker breeds, disdained by Roosevelt as ‘pirates and headhunters’.”   https://www.dissentmagazine.org/article/short-history-american-empire-stephen-kinzer-true-flag-review

Scammers caught selling fake ‘face mask exemption’ cards. “The laminated cards, which reference the (Department of Justice) and the Americans with Disabilities Act, started popping up on a Facebook page run by anti-mask group, the Freedom to Breathe Agency. In big bold letters across the top, they read: ‘Face Mask Exempt Card’.”   https://www.nydailynews.com/coronavirus/ny-coronavirus-face-mask-exemption-cards-scam-20200627-jmdlmxzltffy7nwot34fjgotae-story.html   The cards threaten a $75,000 fine for ADA violators!

Green candidates win seats in French municipal elections. “Europe Ecologie Les Verts (EELV) candidates won in Lyon, Strasbourg, Besançon, Poitiers, Annecy and Tours. In Marseille, France’s second city, the greens won the most seats on the local council and could secure the mayorship later this week.”   https://www.forbes.com/sites/carltonreid/2020/06/29/climate-change-and-cycle-lanes-propel-greens-into-municipal-power-across-france/

Deaths of father and son after police beatings in India spark outrage. “J. Jayaraj, 58, and Bennicks Immanuel, 31, were arrested on June 19 and accused of keeping their store open past permitted hours in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, which has reimposed a lockdown to curb the spread of coronavirus…. According to the National Human Rights Commission, 3,146 people died in police and judicial custody in 2017-18.”   https://today.rtl.lu/news/world/a/1541070.html

Hundreds of tons of N95 masks allegedly exported abroad at beginning of pandemic by U.S. companies. “The full scale and scope of what happened — including the types of masks shipped, prices, and the destinations for the shipments — are still shrouded in mystery. That’s because detailed disclosures of the airlifts are hidden from public view by the federal government…. Over 600 tons of face masks of left U.S. airports for China in February alone.”   https://theintercept.com/2020/06/29/ppe-china-export-airlifts/

President Trump retweets news footage of white couple brandishing guns at black protesters. “A social media video showed the unidentified armed white couple standing outside their home on Sunday evening in the Central West End neighbourhood, shouting at protesters.”   https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/29/st-louis-couple-point-guns-at-protesters

Iran issues arrest warrant for President Trump and 35 other U.S. military and government officials in connection with assassination of general Qassem Suleimani. “(Tehran prosecutor Ali) Alqasimehr said the warrants had been issued on charges of murder and terrorist action.”   https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/29/iran-issues-arrest-warrant-for-donald-trump-over-qassem-suleimani-killing

California delegates to Democratic National Convention to lobby Nancy Pelosi to hold vote on Medicare for All. “Pelosi has steadfastly refused to allow a vote on Rep. Pramila Jayapal’s (D-Wash.) Medicare for All Act despite its popularity in California, across the nation, and in the House of Representatives, where a majority of members have signed on as co-sponsors.”   https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/06/29/time-now-passthedamnbill-116-california-dnc-delegates-demand-pelosi-hold-floor-vote

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June 28, 2020

One dead, one wounded after gunman opens fire on peaceful Black Lives Matter protest in Louisville, Kentucky. “Videos posted online showed a man standing on the edge of Jefferson Square Park firing more than a dozen shots that sent protesters scrambling for shelter among tents and park benches.”   https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/28/us/shooting-breonna-taylor-protest-louisville.html   Video here:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2r8VaJBc8gk

Thousands protest killing of Elijah McClain in Aurora, Colorado. “McClain, 23, died last August during a confrontation with Aurora police officers. One officer placed McClain in a carotid hold, or chokehold. McClain suffered a heart attack while in the ambulance and was declared brain dead three days later.”   https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/27/us/colorado-protest-elijah-mcclain/index.html   He died after being injected with a powerful sedative. “After a struggle, McClain was handcuffed. Aurora Fire Rescue later injected him with ketamine in an attempt to sedate him, police said.”   https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/06/27/elijah-mcclain-protests-aurora-saturday/

Trump campaign accused of removing social distancing stickers from seats at Tulsa rally. “On the day of the rally, event staff had already affixed them on nearly every other seat in the arena when Trump’s campaign told event management to stop and then began removing the stickers, hours before the president’s arrival, according to a person familiar with the event who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal matters.”   https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/workers-removed-thousands-of-social-distancing-stickers-before-trumps-tulsa-rally-according-to-video-and-a-person-familiar-with-the-set-up/2020/06/27/f429c3be-b801-11ea-9b0f-c797548c1154_story.html

High percentage of U.S. covid-19 deaths linked to nursing homes. “In 24 states, the number of residents and workers who have died accounts for either half or more than half of all deaths from the virus.”   https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/coronavirus-nursing-homes.html

Mayor of St. Louis shares names and addresses of constituents who submitted proposals for cutting police budget, in Facebook video. “(Mayor Lyda Krewson) gave first and last names and what streets people lived on – in some cases, she gave exact addresses – along with how they want the budget to be spent. Many of them suggested a budget of $0 for the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department.”   https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/local/st-louis-mayor-lyda-krewson-reads-names-protesters/63-912b9c6a-8bbf-4d7a-b015-fbb1a6b48db3

Beverly Hills, California police arrest 28 peaceful protesters for failing to disperse. “It’s extremely aggressive for them to be detained for almost 14 hours and still not processed, still no word from them.”   https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-06-27/28-arrested-during-peaceful-protest-in-beverly-hills-and-held-for-hours-activists-call-for-their-release

Life in a developed market economy: Consumers in eight states infected with cyclospora parasites after eating prepared salad mixes. “The US Food and Drug Administration had been warning customers not to eat certain store brand garden salad mixes sold by ALDI, HY-Vee, and Jewel-Osco. The government investigation found that the mix, which is produced by Fresh Express, was also sold at Walmart stores.”   https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/27/health/salad-infections-cyclospora/index.html

Energy secretary Dan Brouillette touts coal. “Coal has a bright future here in America.”   https://www.wpxi.com/news/top-stories/us-secretary-energy-tours-largest-underground-mine-complex-north-america/KEWVBTWVAVDMHGPPZDEVY6YXH4/   Dept. of Energy announces $122 million for ‘coal product innovation centers’ to find new uses for coal. “Opponents of the idea argued, however, that the money could be better spent on something other than propping up a waning fossil fuel industry.”   https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/504738-energy-department-aims-to-boost-coal-with-120m-innovation-program

HBO to air documentary Welcome to Chechnya on persecution of gay men in the former Soviet republic. “This is the first time since Hitler’s regime that there has been an open, government-directed policy to round up and liquidate LGBTQ people.”   https://theintercept.com/2020/06/28/welcome-to-chechnya-gay-men/

Progressive Democrats fight Trump administration’s revision of Community Reinvestment Act. “The law, enacted in 1977, requires banks to do business with homeowners in lower-income neighborhoods, thereby reducing the frequency of ‘red-lining’. Long a thorn in the side of banking interests in the country, the law has been quietly under attack by President Donald Trump’s Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, which has weakened regulations set by the act.”   https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/06/27/not-our-watch-aoc-powerful-floor-speech-declares-house-democrats-will-protect-civil

Barack Obama tries to whitewash George W. Bush’s torture program and gutting of the Constitution. “In an online fundraiser for presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden Tuesday night, Obama stated that Bush ‘had a basic regard for the rule of law and the importance of our institutions of democracy’. Obama, who ran for president in 2008 with promises to restore habeas corpus and uphold the rule of law, went on to claim that when Bush was president, ‘we cared about human rights’ and were committed to ‘core principles around the rule of law and the universal dignity of people’.”   https://consortiumnews.com/2020/06/26/rewriting-history-rehabilitating-george-w-bush/   Why are the Democrats and the news media doing this? It’s straight out of Orwell’s 1984, in which the Party constantly rewrites history to serve the state’s interests.

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June 27, 2020

President Trump signs executive order prioritizing prosecution of protesters who damage public monuments. “Trump’s order comes as protests across the country against systemic racism and police brutality have resulted in the toppling of monuments to Confederate leaders, slave owners and European colonists.”   https://www.politico.com/news/2020/06/26/trump-confederate-monuments-executive-order-341865   President Trump reportedly told Interior Secretary David Bernhardt that he wanted D.C. statue of Confederate general Albert Pike put back up. “D.C. officials have been trying to remove the statue for years.”   https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/trump-requests-toppled-confederate-statue-put-back-up-in-dc/2343633/

Minneapolis city council unanimously approves (12-0) placing policing measure on the ballot. “Under the proposed plan, the city would eliminate the existing police department and replace it with ‘a department of community safety and violence prevention, which will have responsibility for public safety services prioritizing a holistic, public health-oriented approach’…. the city could keep a much smaller division of law enforcement in effect under the supervision of the department of community safety and violence prevention.”   https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/06/26/884149659/minneapolis-council-moves-to-defund-police-establish-holistic-public-safety-forc

NYPD officer charged with aggravated strangulation for alleged use of chokehold during arrest. “Video shows (Officer David) Afanador appearing to lean on (Ricky) Bellevue with all his weight as his arm hooks around his neck. As the man filming yells in alarm, another officer taps Afanador and he relents.”   https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/06/26/new-york-officer-charged-chokehold/   When you’ve got four to six officers arresting one skinny, unarmed guy, for menacing them, there’s no excuse for using a chokehold.

Federal appeals court rules that President Trump can’t divert money from military to border wall. “These funds were appropriated for other purposes, and the transfer amounted to ‘drawing funds from the Treasury without authorization by statute and thus violating the Appropriations Clause’.”   https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-lacked-authority-to-use-military-funds-for-border-wall-construction-court-rules/

New York corrections officers to be disciplined over death of prisoner. “(Layleen) Cubilette-Polanco died in June 2019 after being placed in solitary confinement despite the objections of at least one doctor due to her history of seizures.”   https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/17-corrections-officers-be-charged-trans-woman-s-death-rikers-n1232314   “All told, 17 officers are facing disciplinary charges linked to Polanco’s death, including failure to conduct required cell checks and making fraudulent log entries, a person familiar with the matter said.”   https://nypost.com/2020/06/26/rikers-guards-suspended-in-death-of-transgender-inmate/

U.S. House passes bill to make Washington, D.C. the 51st state. “D.C. residents currently pay taxes but have no voting representation on Capitol Hill. That spawned the city to issue license plates in the mid-1990s which read ‘Taxation Without Representation’.”   https://www.foxnews.com/politics/house-passes-dc-statehood-bill-heres-how-it-would-work

Justice Dept. task force to target ‘anti-government extremism’. “(U.S. attorney general William) Barr argued in the memo that anti-government agitators had infiltrated peaceful demonstrations against police brutality and systemic racism and ‘engaged in indefensible acts of violence designed to undermine public order’.”   https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/504810-barr-creates-task-force-focused-on-anti-government-extremists

U.S. House falls short of 2/3 majority needed to override President Trump’s veto of student loan forgiveness measure for victims of educational fraud. “Under the new regulations (which the measure had sought to overturn), even if borrowers could show they were victims of unscrupulous universities, they could still be denied relief unless they could prove their earnings had been adversely affected.”   https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/26/us/politics/house-student-loan-debt-relief.html

Millions of children in Yemen at risk says U.N. “In a new report on Friday, UNICEF, the UN children’s fund, said the number of malnourished children in the country could reach 2.4 million – a 20 percent increase – by the end of the year.”   https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/06/millions-yemeni-children-brink-starvation-200625084934928.html

Small Business Administration reportedly waived conflict-of-interest rules for lawmakers and federal officials in PPP coronavirus emergency business loan program. “SBA regulations normally require applicants with potential conflicts of interest to obtain a waiver from a Standard of Conduct Committee before the agency can extend them a loan. The regulation is in place to protect taxpayer dollars from being distributed to well-connected people who might not otherwise be eligible.”   https://thehill.com/policy/finance/504774-sba-scrapped-ethics-review-for-agency-employees-lawmakers-in-emergency-loan   And the public still doesn’t have a clear idea of who exactly received these loans. “… the names of companies and nonprofits who received loans of more than $150,000 will be released…. However, most of the recipients will remain unnamed based on the latest announcement, as over 86% of the roughly 4.6 million borrowers took loans under the $150,000 threshold.”   https://fortune.com/2020/06/22/ppp-loan-transparency-biggest-loans-companies-nonprofits-recipients/

Life in a developed market economy: American Airlines to start packing flights again on July 1, joining United and Spirit. “Southwest, Delta and JetBlue are still blocking middle seats or restricting the number of seats for sale on each flight…. ‘We believe it is safe to go back to our normal capacity,’ (American spokesman Ross Feinstein) said.”   https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/airline-news/2020/06/26/american-airlines-no-longer-block-seats-social-distancing/3262862001/

Republicans are arguing that boosted unemployment benefits are making it difficult for employers to hire, economists disagree. “… when they’ve actually looked at the data so far, economists have found scant evidence that unemployment payments are presently having a large impact on the job market.”   https://slate.com/business/2020/06/unemployment-benefits-end-july-republicans.html

Whole Foods store allegedly told employees they couldn’t wear face masks that say ‘Black Lives Matter’. “On Wednesday, seven employees walked out after they were told they couldn’t wear Black Lives Matter masks. On Thursday, 13 walked out and on Friday another employee was told to leave.”   https://www.boston25news.com/news/local/cambridge-whole-foods-workers-told-they-cant-wear-black-lives-matter-face-masks/4BTPE735UFFTBHBASD5MUFQONI/

Federal judge rules that migrant children must be released from detention centers due to spread of coronavirus. “The centers ‘are “on fire” and there is no more time for half measures,’ (U.S. District Judge Dolly) Gee wrote.”   https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/government-must-release-migrant-children-detention-centers-because-coronavirus-judge-n1232328

Ivanka Trump promotes skills-based federal hiring initiative in video. “Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, have been repeatedly criticized for getting plum appointments in the White House despite having never worked in government before Trump was elected in 2016.”   https://www.salon.com/2020/06/26/ivanka-trump-mocked-after-white-house-makes-her-the-face-of-its-skills-based-hiring-initiative_partner/   Apparently you don’t need experience or degrees anymore, just connections. But to be fair, this is about federal hiring in general, not political appointees (which Ivanka and Jared are), who don’t have to have any qualifications at all.

U.S. government covered up mass killings of Korean civilians for decades. “The facts about (the )No Gun Ri (massacre) finally slipped out—ten presidencies later. Even more damaging, the Rules of Engagement for killing Korean civilians were covered up until after four more U.S. wars.”   https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/the-korean-war-atrocities-no-one-wants-to-talk-about/

Bedouin Israeli citizen allegedly pinned to the ground by a knee to his neck in Jerusalem. “An Israeli diplomat filed a complaint last week with police after he was pulled to the ground in Jerusalem by four security guards, who knelt on his neck for five minutes as he cried out: ‘I can’t breathe’.”   https://original.antiwar.com/cook/2020/06/26/chokehold-on-diplomat-exposes-israels-special-type-of-apartheid/

Most of the ‘greatest generation’ who fought ‘the good war’ were draftees. “According to the website of the National WWII Museum, 38.8% (6,332,000) (of the) men were volunteers in World War II while 61.2% (11,535,000) were draftees.”   https://www.fff.org/2020/06/24/the-greatest-generations-refusal-to-fight-the-good-war/

Nine Thai dissidents have reportedly disappeared while living abroad. “All these Thais living in exile since a military coup in Thailand in 2014 have two things in common: They had criticized Thailand’s most influential institutions, the monarchy and the military. Then they disappeared.”   https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/26/world/asia/thailand-dissidents-disappeared-military.html

Hundreds of anti-corruption protesters gather outside Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s official residence, eight arrested. “Police said the eight protesters were arrested on suspicion of disturbing public order and other unspecified offenses, according to the Kan public broadcaster.”   https://www.timesofisrael.com/8-arrested-including-ex-general-as-hundreds-protest-outside-netanyahus-home/

Supreme Court rules that asylum seekers can be deported without the right to appeal the decision in court. “We went to the Supreme Court, and we argued that the denial of your day in court where your liberty is at stake is unconstitutional, and the Framers of the Constitution wanted a judicial check on the executive branch and on Congress where someone’s liberty was at stake. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court ruled against us and for the government.”   https://www.democracynow.org/2020/6/26/scotus_ruling_fast_track_asylum_seeker

Joe Biden campaign national security advisor drops gig as Palantir consultant from resume. “(Avril) Haines’s biography page at the Brookings Institute, where she is listed as a nonresident senior fellow, boasted of this affiliation until at least last week, when it suddenly no longer appeared on the page.”   https://theintercept.com/2020/06/26/biden-adviser-avril-haines-palantir/

Federal Elections Commission loses its quorum again after Republican member leaves to work for Koch-funded group. “After 10 months, the Federal Elections Commission in May regained a quorum with the confirmation of Republican appointee Trey Trainor—and promptly lost it just over five weeks later on Friday when commissioner Caroline Hunter resigned to join the Koch-funded group Stand Together, leaving the regulatory body again essentially powerless as the November general election draws closer.”   https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/06/26/election-just-4-months-away-fec-essentially-defunct-gop-member-leaves-koch-funded

Animal rights protester Regan Russell remembered by her friends and family after being fatally struck by pig truck outside Canadian slaughterhouse. “Russell, along with others, was protesting Bill 156, the Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, a law that increased fines for trespassing on farms and food-processing facilities and made it illegal to obstruct trucks carrying farm animals.”   https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/06/26/we-need-more-people-regan-russell-mourning-and-justice-demanded-over-killing-animal

Life in a developed market economy: Federal judge rules that man who has been delivering newspaper for 40 years is an employee, not a contractor. “(U.S. District Judge William) Alsup noted the contract between Hearst and (Paul) Martel clearly outlines what is expected of Martel and how he is to do his job.”   https://www.courthousenews.com/judge-says-40-year-newspaper-carrier-is-an-employee-not-contractor/

Federal appeals court rules in favor of four men wrongly imprisoned for 18 years, allowing lawsuit against Fairbanks, Alaska and police detectives to proceed. “On Friday, the Ninth Circuit denied the city of Fairbanks’ petition for an en banc rehearing.”   https://www.courthousenews.com/ninth-circuit-stands-by-decision-to-let-fairbanks-4-sue-for-malicious-prosecution/

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June 26, 2020

After Republican police reform proposal fails in U.S. Senate, House passes its own reform bill, but it only covers federal law enforcement agencies. “The House approved the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act by a vote of 236 to 181, one month to the day (after) the bill’s namesake was killed. Three Republicans supported the legislation.”   https://www.npr.org/2020/06/25/883263263/house-approves-police-reform-bill-but-issue-stalled-amid-partisan-standoff

In yet another Republican attempt to kill Obamacare, Trump administration asks Supreme Court to intervene. “At issue is whether the law’s individual mandate was rendered unconstitutional because Congress reduced the penalty for remaining uninsured to zero and, if so, whether that would bring down the entire law.”   https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/25/politics/trump-administration-obamacare-supreme-court/index.html   Renewable, short-term health insurance plans favored by the Trump administration provide less coverage than Obamacare plans, but consumers may not realize it. “Coverage limitations vary greatly from plan to plan and insurer to insurer, and limitations are not always made clear in marketing materials…. Consumers who fall sick while enrolled in one of these plans may incur huge, potentially ruinous medical costs.”   https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/504625-house-report-finds-short-term-health-plans-leave-consumers-on-the-hook-for

Miami Gardens, Florida police officer fired and charged after kneeling on black woman’s neck and tasing her twice on her stomach outside night club. “Yanes Martel, at the time a Miami Gardens police officer, was working security off-duty when the manager of the club asked him to give a verbal trespass warning to a woman who had allegedly thrown a tip at a waitress.”   https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/ex-miami-gardens-police-officer-to-be-charged-for-putting-knee-in-womans-neck-report/2253728/   Video of the incident can be viewed here:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyIMZiLFM8w

President Trump reportedly referring to coronavirus as ‘kung flu’ at campaign rallies. “Trump’s use of the term comes as Asian Americans continue to face attacks by people blaming them for the coronavirus outbreak.”   https://www.businessinsider.com/kellyanne-conway-defends-trump-kung-flu-racial-slur-coronavirus-2020-6

Treasury Dept. and IRS allegedly sent more than 1 million dead people coronavirus stimulus checks. “The U.S. Government Accountability Office, an independent investigative agency that reports to Congress, issued the finding as part of a comprehensive report on the nearly $3 trillion in coronavirus relief spending approved by Congress in March and April.”   https://www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2020/06/25/irs-stimulus-checks-dead-people-gao/

Palm Beach residents scold county commissioners over law making masks mandatory in public. “All of you are practicing the devil’s law,” added yet another woman named Cristina…. “Every single one of you that are obeying the devil’s laws are going to be arrested.”   https://nypost.com/2020/06/25/florida-residents-furious-over-devils-law-requiring-masks/

Federal appeals court orders dismissal of case against former Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn. “The 2-1 ruling by the panel of appellate judges stressed the power of the Department of Justice, which has sought to drop its prosecution of Flynn, to make criminal charging decisions given its status as part of the executive branch.”   https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/24/us-appeals-court-orders-judge-to-dismiss-case-against-michael-flynn.html

Philadelphia officials apologize for trapping and gassing peaceful anti-brutality protesters. “In particular, (Mayor Jim) Kenney and (Police Commissioner Danielle) Outlaw each cited a nine-minute video posted Thursday by the New York Times that featured a host of footage from the scene showing police firing clouds of gas and pepper spray toward a peaceful crowd — even as the people tried to escape and were trapped on a steep embankment.”   https://www.inquirer.com/news/philadelphia-protests-676-teargas-mayor-jim-kenney-danielle-outlaw-20200625.html

U.K. Labour Party official dismissed from her post for sharing article that included the ‘conspiracy theory’ that the Israeli military had taught U.S. police how to use the knee-to-the-neck restraint that contributed to the death of George Floyd, which Palestinians claim is widely used by Israeli forces. “Former UK Labour leadership hopeful Rebecca Long-Bailey was sacked from the shadow cabinet amid accusations of anti-Semitism after she shared an interview with actress Maxine Peake.”   https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200625-uk-labour-leader-sacks-mp-who-highlighted-israel-training-of-us-police-force/

Parent company of Chuck E. Cheese pizza restaurants files for bankruptcy. “… CEC Entertainment Inc. filed for bankruptcy on Thursday after 43 years of business, it announced in a statement on Thursday. Though the chain had been struggling before COVID-19, prolonged closures as a result of the pandemic were the final straw.”   https://variety.com/2020/digital/news/chuck-e-cheese-bankruptcy-1234689869/

California voters will decide ballot measures on affirmative action, property taxes, restoring voting rights of released felons on parole, elimination of cash bail, exempting gig employers from labor laws, restrictions on businesses sharing personal data of customers and minors, and allowing cities to impose rent limits. “Uber, Lyft and DoorDash have pledged to spend $90 million on their measure to exempt them from a state labor law that would require them to treat their workers as employees entitled to more wage protections and benefits.”   https://www.kcra.com/article/expansion-of-california-privacy-law-qualifies-for-ballot/32974040   This is what democracy looks like. Except for the money part.

Federal agencies give big banks a break by loosening derivatives trading regulations. “Thursday’s… reversal of the interaffiliate margin requirement for swaps trades could free up an estimated $40 billion for Wall Street banks, though regulators added a new threshold that limits the scale of margin that can be forgiven.”   https://www.thestreet.com/mishtalk/economics/banks-get-a-40-billion-break-from-the-fed   Sounds kind of ‘swampy’ to me.

Georgia accused of using uncertified ballot scanners during primary election, mishandling mail-in ballots. “The day after the June 9 primary elections, (poll watcher Jeanne) Dufort notified election integrity advocates that absentee ballot scanners had misread a number of ballots that were marked with an ‘X’ or check mark. In some cases, Dufort explained, ballots were discarded outright without any attempt to flag them for further adjudication.”   https://whowhatwhy.org/2020/06/23/georgia-certifies-election-results-despite-serious-flaw-in-ballot-scanners/

Joe Biden pushes ‘public option’ health care plan that would co-exist with for-profit health insurance. “The public option will allow every American, regardless of their employment status, the choice to get a Medicare-like plan.”   https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/06/25/after-attacking-medicare-all-unrealistic-during-primary-biden-says-healthcare-right   Although this sounds very reasonable, the problem is that the younger and healthier people, who are the people in the workforce who have employer-subsidized insurance, will end up on the for-profit insurance, which is very good for insurance companies because these people don’t get really sick very often. On the other hand, everybody else, the old, the unemployed and unemployable, substance abusers, people on welfare, people with pre-existing conditions, people with serious health problems, etc., who can’t obtain or qualify for employer-provided private insurance, will end up on the public option plan, which will lose a ton of money because these people tend to need a lot of medical care. Medicare for All solves this problem by putting everyone on the same plan. Biden’s plan is a huge gift to the for-profit health insurance companies, because they still get to collect high premiums, co-pays and deductibles, but won’t have to pay out money to treat seriously ill people. Taxpayers will have to pick up that bill, because there won’t be any money coming in from the healthy people who are all on the private insurance.

Countries with national health insurance schemes are dealing more effectively with the pandemic. “All (of the) countries successfully combating this virus have robust public health systems, which provide for coordination of effort.”   https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/06/25/why-socialized-system-medicare-all-beats-profit-healthcare-one-chart-covid-19

Trump administration exempts health insurance companies from paying for coronavirus tests required by employers. “The New York Times reported earlier this month that some nursing homes say they can’t afford to pay for the testing and have tried to bill insurance companies for the costs. But not all insurance companies have agreed to cover Covid-19 testing, leaving workers on the hook for the bill.”   https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/06/25/free-handout-insurance-industry-trump-administration-tells-insurers-they-dont-have

Supreme Court refuses to hear case of Ohio activists who must collect signatures in person for a ballot initiative under state’s law. “Applicants here want to remain safe,” their application states. “They want their families to remain safe. They want their friends to remain safe. They want Ohioans to remain safe. They also do not want to be arrested. What applicants want is to exercise their First Amendment rights in a way that is consistent with the Covid-19 crisis.”   https://www.courthousenews.com/no-high-court-detour-for-ballot-initiative-signature-rules/

Turkey sentences 121 found guilty of participating in attempted coup to life in prison. “Turkey claims U.S.-based Muslim preacher Fethullah Gulen ordered the failed coup, a claim he denies.”   https://www.courthousenews.com/turkey-sentences-121-to-life-in-coup-trial/

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June 25, 2020

Coronavirus cases in California rise sharply. “The state has witnessed an alarming jump in cases as communities reopen from lockdown restrictions. Los Angeles county now leads the nation with more than 88,500 cases, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.”   https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/24/california-increase-coronavirus-covid-19-cases

Tuscon, Arizona police release video of disorderly conduct suspect who died while being restrained in April. “The autopsy report for (Carlos) Lopez noted that he was restrained in a prone position with a spit hood, a mesh covering that goes over the head.”   https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/24/us/tucson-police-carlos-ingram-lopez-death.html

California congressman loses lawsuit against Twitter, but legal action against satirical ‘cow’ account and other critics are still undecided. “(Devin) Nunes sued Twitter, the two parody accounts known as Devin Nunes’ Cow and Devin Nunes’ Mom, and strategist Liz Mair, in March 2019. He alleged the latter three had defamed him online, ruining his reputation and causing him to win his 2018 election by a narrower margin than normal.”   https://www.fresnobee.com/news/nation-world/national/article243664982.html

More than 2 million sign petition demanding an investigation into 2019 death of Elijah McClain, who was subdued by Aurora, Colorado police while walking home after buying ice tea at a convenience store, because someone had called 911 to report a ‘sketchy’ looking person in the neighborhood. “The officers bring him to the ground and place him in a carotid control hold — which involves an officer placing his arm around a person’s neck, restricting the flow of blood to the brain from the carotid arteries…. McClain was later administered, by paramedics, what (family attorney Mari) Newman alleged was an ‘excessive dose’ of ketamine…”   https://abcnews.go.com/US/public-pressure-mounts-revisit-2019-death-elijah-mcclain/story?id=71401918

Washington, D.C.’s representative in Congress asks that city’s Andrew Jackson statue be taken down. “In announcing her bill, (Delegate Eleanor) Norton underscored Jackson’s role in forcefully relocating thousands of Native Americans during his time as president and his position as a slave owner, saying such a man should not be honored so close to the seat of power in the U.S.”   https://thehill.com/homenews/house/504240-dc-delegate-to-introduce-legislation-moving-andrew-jackson-statue-from

Three Wilmington, North Carolina police officers fired over racist comments. “… according to the investigation, (Officer Kevin) Piner told (Cpl. Jessie) Moore that he feels a civil war is coming and that he is ready. Piner said he was going to buy a new assault rifle, and soon ‘we are just going to go out and start slaughtering them f—— n——‘.”   https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/north-carolina-police-officers-fired-racist-rants-71438606   and   https://boingboing.net/2020/06/25/north-carolina-cop-we-are-j.html

Dept. of Justice broadens indictment against Julian Assange to include allegations that he solicited hacking. “Assange, who’s detained in the U.K. on a U.S. extradition request, gave the leader of LulzSec a list of targets to hack in 2012 and told this person that the most influential release of hacked materials would be from the Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency or the New York Times, according to a statement Wednesday from the Justice Department.”   https://time.com/5859079/julian-assange-hackers-anonymous-indictment/

International Monetary Fund issues bleak economic forecast. “The US economy is expected to shrink by 8%, while output across the 19 countries that use the euro could decline by 10.2%.”   https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/24/economy/imf-economic-outlook/index.html

Bayer settles ‘thousands’ of Roundup cancer lawsuits for an estimated $10 billion. “German pharmaceuticals and chemical giant Bayer bought Monsanto in 2018 just months before (Dewayne) Johnson won his suit against the company. Bayer eliminated the Monsanto name, but maintained the brands and folded them into its portfolio.”   https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/bayer-reaches-10-5-billion-settlement-roundup-cancer-lawsuits-n1232026

Proposed Labor Dept. rule would prohibit employers from offering employees ‘socially responsible’ retirement investment options unless the funds generate equal returns as conventional investments. “The proposed rule says that environmental, social and governance concerns can be taken into account independent of factors like risk and return only if they act as a kind of tiebreaker when investments are otherwise financially indistinguishable. In that case, the rule would require plan administrators to document the investment analysis that led to the conclusion.”    https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/24/business/labor-retirement-investing.html

Minnesota sues fossil fuel companies and trade group over global warming. “Attorney General Keith Ellison said the state believed the API, Exxon and Koch violated Minnesota laws barring consumer fraud, deceptive trade practices and false advertising. The complaint alleges the companies and industry body ‘strategized to deceive the public’ about climate science to protect their business interests and accused them of a ‘multi-pronged campaign of deception’ conducted during the last 30 years.”   https://www.aljazeera.com/ajimpact/minnesota-sues-exxon-koch-petroleum-body-climate-change-200624205846274.html

Senate Intelligence Committee votes to require federal agencies to release joint, public report on UFO phenomenon. “Now the Senate panel, chaired by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), is directing the executive branch to centralize all relevant information about such intrusions collected from a wide range of sources, including the Office of Naval Intelligence, the FBI, satellites or other technical means, and human spies.”   https://www.politico.com/news/2020/06/23/senators-ufo-government-reports-336021

67 countries express their support for International Criminal Court after U.S. imposes sanctions on the court’s staff over Afghanistan war crimes investigation. “In a joint statement drafted by Costa Rica and Switzerland, more than half of the 123 of the ICC’s members showed their ‘unwavering support’ for the tribunal…. The signatories include Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Tunisia.”   https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/06/scores-countries-icc-face-sanctions-200624025450554.html

U.S. courts differ over whether or not police can force suspects to unlock their phones. “One theory holds that only the act of opening the safe is testimonial. Once the safe is open, the safe contains whatever documents it contains. The police get the information in the documents directly from the documents, the same as they would if they’d found them lying on the suspect’s desk. So the contents of the documents are not compelled testimony. The other theory—the one endorsed by Indiana’s Supreme Court this week—holds that it matters whether the police know which documents they’re looking for. If the police are looking for specific documents that they know are in the safe, then there may be no Fifth Amendment problem. But if the request is more of a fishing expedition, then it’s barred by the Fifth Amendment, since the act of opening the safe gives the police access to information they wouldn’t have otherwise.”   https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2020/06/indiana-supreme-court-its-unconstitutional-to-force-phone-unlocking/

FBI signs agreements with private companies for surveillance tech. “On May 26, as demonstrations around the country erupted over the police killing of George Floyd, the FBI signed an expedited agreement to extend its relationship with Dataminr, a company that monitors social media. A few days later, the agency modified an agreement it signed in February with Venntel, Inc., a Virginia technology firm that maps and sells the movements of millions of Americans.”   https://theintercept.com/2020/06/24/fbi-surveillance-social-media-cellphone-dataminr-venntel/

Boston’s city government bans use of facial recognition systems. “The Boston City Council on Wednesday unanimously voted to ban the city from the use of facial recognition technology, making the Massachusetts capital the ninth city in the country and the second largest to do so.”   https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/06/24/historic-day-boston-city-council-bans-facial-recognition-surveillance

16-term, centrist, U.S. Representative from New York City, Eliot Engel, endorsed by a who’s who of Democratic Party leaders, almost certain to lose Democratic Party primary race to unknown progressive candidate. “With an all but certain and decisive victory, (Jamaal) Bowman replicates a trend that began when then-political neophyte Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez unseated another New York City-area district held by 10-term Congressman Joe Crowley.”   https://www.courthousenews.com/engel-out-after-16-terms-as-bowman-declares-ny-win/   “Establishment Democrats from Governor Cuomo to Hillary Clinton to Senator Chuck Schumer have endorsed and closed ranks around Engel.”   https://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2020/06/20/in-final-days-of-competitive-primary–rep–eliot-engel-goes-on-defensive-against-jamaal-bowman

Federal judge rules that Kentucky’s ban on mass gatherings is unconstitutional. ““Protesting is a fundamental right, and as recent events have shown, a right in a free society to express dissent and affect change, whether it is protests about lockdown orders, for racial justice in policing, or even protesting the failure to keep a promise on unemployment,” (the plaintiffs’ lawyer, Christopher) Wiest said in a statement to Courthouse News. “Free speech and protests, like freedom of religion in church services, cannot be relegated to third class status in public health orders, even in a pandemic.”   https://www.courthousenews.com/federal-judge-rules-kentuckys-mass-gathering-ban-unconstitutional/

Former federal prosecutors testify before Congress that Dept. of Justice has politicized some high profile cases. “What I saw was that Roger Stone was being treated differently from every other defendant,” Aaron Zelinsky, who served on the team that prosecuted Stone, said Wednesday. “He received breaks that are, in my experience, unheard of.”   https://www.courthousenews.com/prosecutors-warn-of-politicization-in-justice-department/

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June 24, 2020

Self-styled democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez easily defeats Democratic Party primary challengers, with more than 70% of the vote so far. “(Michelle) Caruso-Cabrera, a former Republican who wrote a 2010 book calling for small government and fiscal conservatism, positioned herself as a pro-business centrist and attracted significant campaign donations from Wall Street executives.”   https://www.businessinsider.com/aoc-wins-primary-beating-wall-street-backed-michelle-caruso-cabrera-2020-6

Michigan man arrested based only on facial recognition match, which was an error. “(Robert) Williams was detained for 30 hours and then released on bail until a court hearing on the case, his lawyers say. At the hearing, a Wayne County prosecutor announced that the charges against Williams were being dropped.”   https://www.npr.org/2020/06/24/882683463/the-computer-got-it-wrong-how-facial-recognition-led-to-a-false-arrest-in-michig

Military has allegedly spent $300 million to replace missing or defective F-35 stealth fighter parts. “The problem with spare parts will continue to cost the military about $55 million a year, the report said.”   https://taskandpurpose.com/military-tech/f35-joint-strike-fighter-spare-parts-cost

65% of Americans polled want to see more action on climate change. “An overwhelming majority (90%) favored planting a trillion trees to absorb atmospheric carbon, followed by tax credits for carbon emission reduction (84%), higher emissions standards for power plants (80%), raising corporate taxes to pay for carbon emissions (73%) and stronger fuel efficiency standards for vehicles (71%). Another large majority, 79% of all respondents, said the U.S. should also prioritize alternative energy sources.”   https://www.courthousenews.com/two-thirds-of-americans-want-more-action-on-climate-change/

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June 23, 2020

President Trump claims foreign governments are printing millions of fake, mail-in ballots, presumably to steal the election from him. “RIGGED 2020 ELECTION: MILLIONS OF MAIL-IN BALLOTS WILL BE PRINTED BY FOREIGN COUNTRIES, AND OTHERS. IT WILL BE THE SCANDAL OF OUR TIMES!”   https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-ramps-up-attack-on-mailin-voting-with-a-warning-about-false-ballots-sent-by-foreign-countries-180918215.html   Sad!

Green Party presidential candidate Howie Hawkins says Biden likely to smoke Trump, so voters in ‘safe’ blue states should vote their conscience. “I think particularly in a state like New York, where it’s not even going to be close, a lot of people are going to use their vote to say what they’re for. And I’m encouraging people not to waste your vote on what you don’t want.”   https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/503821-green-party-nominee-says-sanders-progressives-have-failed-to-pull-dems-to

White House protesters make unsuccessful attempt to pull down Andrew Jackson statue. “The 19th century president’s ruthless treatment of Native Americans has made his statue a target of demonstrators protesting the United States’ legacy of racial injustice.”   https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2020-06-22/protesters-try-to-pull-down-andrew-jackson-statue-in-dchttps://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2020-06-22/protesters-try-to-pull-down-andrew-jackson-statue-in-dc

Rates for city water and sewage fees have skyrocketed in some cities. “(An) exclusive analysis of 12 US cities shows the combined price of water and sewage increased by an average of 80% between 2010 and 2018, with more than two-fifths of residents in some cities living in neighbourhoods with unaffordable bills.”   https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/23/millions-of-americans-cant-afford-water-bills-rise

New York City police commissioner Dermot Shea defends officers who drove SUV into crowd of protesters. “The officers were set upon and attacked, and thankfully they were able to get out of that situation with, to my knowledge, no injuries to anyone.”   https://nypost.com/2020/06/22/nypd-commissioner-says-cops-were-not-wrong-to-drive-into-protesters/   Meanwhile, fleeing suspects who bump cops with cars can be gunned down for assaulting officers with a deadly weapon….

Columbus, Ohio cops accused of abusing double amputee protester. “According to multiple purported witnesses, the double amputee was peacefully protesting when officers possibly struck him and deployed pepper spray against him. They also allegedly disconnected and took away the young man’s prosthetic legs, forcing him to crawl away for help.”   https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8448535/Double-amputee-peacefully-protesting-Ohio-hit-pepper-sprayed-police.html

Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department blocks release of autopsy of Andres Guardado, a victim of a fatal police shooting. “Since LASD placed a security hold on the case, the report and the cause of death cannot be released to the public.”   https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/23/us/andres-guardado-autopsy-security-hold/index.html

1,600 Google employees demand that that company stop selling unspecified software to police departments. “It’s not clear how extensively or closely Google works with US police departments.”   https://www.vox.com/recode/2020/6/22/21299767/google-employees-petition-demanding-stop-selling-software-to-police-black-lives-matter

U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs claims Israel destroyed or seized 70 Palestinian-owned buildings between June 2nd and 15th, many due to lack of a building permit. “The cost of a (building) permit for a single home is estimated to be in the region of $30,000.”   https://english.alaraby.co.uk/english/news/2020/6/20/israeli-demolitions-in-palestine-increase-by-250-percent-un

Website publishes millions of hacked law enforcement agency documents. “DDOSecrets, short for Distributed Denial of Secrets, published what it said were millions of documents stolen from more than 200 law enforcement groups around the country.”   https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2020/06/blueleaks-airs-private-data-from-more-than-200-us-police-agencies/

Hennepin County emergency medical responders reportedly injected police detainees with ketamine at the request of Minneapolis officers. “On multiple occasions (62 in 2019), in the presence of police, Hennepin Healthcare EMS workers injected suspects of crimes and others who already appeared to be restrained, according to the report, and the ketamine (sometimes) caused heart or breathing failure, requiring them to be medically revived…. ‘In many cases, the individual being detained or arrested was not only handcuffed, but strapped down on a stretcher in an ambulance before receiving ketamine,’ the report states.”   https://www.startribune.com/at-urging-of-police-hennepin-emts-subdued-dozens-with-powerful-sedative/485607381/

Russian journalist charged with terrorism for comment on story about teen who blew himself up at federal police office. “On her programme, (Svetlana) Prokopyeva criticised how the state handled dissenting opinions, saying its approach could lead to radical protest actions similar to the one in Archangelsk.”   https://sg.news.yahoo.com/russian-journalist-charged-justifying-terrorism-165738396.html

With New York City’s statue of Theodore Roosevelt scheduled to come down, writer points out his genocidal comments directed at indigenous Americans. “The most ultimately righteous of all wars is a war with savages. … American and Indian, Boer and Zulu, Cossack and Tartar, New Zealander and Maori,—in each case the victor, horrible though many of his deeds are, has laid deep the foundations for the future greatness of a mighty people.”   https://theintercept.com/2020/06/22/as-teddy-roosevelts-statue-falls-lets-remember-how-truly-dark-his-history-was/

Amnesty International slams U.S. law enforcement agencies over repeated acts of violence against protesters. “… when activists and supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement took to the streets in cities and towns across the country to peacefully demand an end to systemic racism and police violence, they were overwhelmingly met with a militarized response and more police violence.”   https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/06/23/new-amnesty-map-documents-shocking-extent-us-police-violence-against-black-lives

Reporters ordered to leave White House before a second crackdown on Lafayette Park protesters. “Videos posted to social media show protesters using ropes in an attempt to pull down a statue of Jackson—the slave-owning former president responsible for the Trail of Tears—before police cleared the area using chemical irritants and batons.”   https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/06/23/secret-service-forces-press-leave-white-house-police-use-pepper-spray-and-batons

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June 22, 2020

Police break up protest in Compton, California demanding investigation into fatal police shooting of teenage security guard. “Hundreds gathered outside the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s Compton station Sunday to demand justice for Andres Guardado, an 18-year-old Latino man shot and killed by a deputy in an encounter near Gardena earlier this week.”   https://ktla.com/news/local-news/protesters-demanding-justice-for-andres-guardado-clash-with-deputies-in-compton/

New York City museum wants to take down nearby statue of President Teddy Roosevelt. “The American Museum of Natural History has asked to remove the Theodore Roosevelt statue because it explicitly depicts Black and Indigenous people as subjugated and racially inferior.”   https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/statue-teddy-roosevelt-considered-symbol-racism-be-removed-nyc-park-n1231682

Video appears to show NYPD officer using choke hold on a black man who had taunted him. “Another officer is observed tapping the back of the officer who had the individual in an apparent chokehold, and that officer appears to release his hold.”   https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/21/us/nypd-officer-suspended-chokehold/index.html

After Black Lives Matter sign in Thousand Oaks, California was repeatedly vandalized, the owner installed a surveillance camera. “Detectives recognized 60-year-old Darrin Stone — an employee of the Sheriff’s Office since 2005… In another incident, on May 31, Craig Anderson, 59, allegedly cut down the sign…. Anderson, an investigative assistant at the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office, also received a citation for vandalism.”   https://ktla.com/news/local-news/black-lives-matter-sign-in-thousand-oaks-vandalised-by-sheriffs-and-das-employees/

Siberian town inside Arctic Circle records 100 degree (38 C) high temperature. “The 100.4 reading in Verkhoyansk, which sits farther north than Fairbanks, Alaska, would be the northernmost 100-degree reading ever observed.”   https://www.vox.com/2020/6/21/21298292/siberia-temperature-100-climate-change

Police searching teen for drugs in Stuttgart, Germany spark huge riot. “At the height of the clashes, some 400 to 500 people joined in the battle against police officers and rescue workers.”   https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/21/hundreds-run-riot-in-stuttgart-city-centre-after-drug-checks

Amnesty International claims it found Israeli spyware on Moroccan journalist’s phone. “NSO does not publish a list of its government clients, but an earlier investigation by researchers at Citizen Lab identified Morocco as one of 45 countries where the company’s spyware was active.”   https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/jun/21/journalist-says-he-was-targeted-by-spyware-from-firm-despite-its-human-rights-policy

Thousands march in cities around Belarus after opposition party leaders are arrested amid their election campaigns. “Two of (Alexander) Lukashenko’s main opponents are currently in KGB and police detention: popular YouTube blogger Sergei Tikhanovskiy, who was detained in late May, and former Belgazprombank chairman Viktor Babaryko, who was arrested on June 18…”   https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/21/europe/belarus-protests-intl/index.html

Female opposition party members in Zimbabwe claim they were abducted from a political rally and raped by security forces, judge rules they faked their own abductions. “Home Affairs Minister Kazembe Kazembe said in court last week that the state would offer evidence that the three opposition leaders worked with unnamed embassies and civic organizations to ‘fake abductions’ after contravening the country’s coronavirus lockdown.”   https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/21/africa/zimbabwe-activists-jail-intl/index.html

Thousands protest government coronavirus restrictions in the Netherlands, hundreds reportedly arrested. “Police eventually ended the demonstration and detained a group of 400 people who refused to leave.”   https://nypost.com/2020/06/21/dutch-cops-detain-400-after-coronavirus-restrictions-protest/

None of the police departments of the largest 20 U.S. cities are in compliance with international laws on policing. “Among the failings identified by the law scholars, some police forces violate the requirement that lethal force should only be wielded when facing an immediate threat and as a last resort. Some departments allow deadly responses in cases of ‘escaping suspects’, ‘fugitives’, or ‘prevention of crime’ – all scenarios that would be deemed to fall well outside the boundaries set by international law.”   https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/22/us-police-human-rights-standards-report

British negotiator who worked on diplomatic immunity treaty with U.S. says wrong-way American driver Anne Sacoolas was not covered by it. “In court papers, the former Foreign Office minister Tony Baldry said the diplomatic immunity deal reached in 1995 was intended specifically to exclude dangerous driving cases, or indeed any actions not related to the work of the staff at the (Royal Air Force) base…. He adds that this limited immunity only applied to the staff at the base and no broader immunity was ever meant to be given to the staff’s family or (dependents).”    https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2020/jun/22/anne-sacoolas-did-not-have-diplomatic-immunity-in-dunn-case-says-ex-minister

Trump administration accused of not spend $14 billion allocated by Congress for coronavirus testing and contact tracing. “We call on (the Department of Health and Human Services) to immediately disburse the remainder of the $25 billion in funds to ramp up testing and contact tracing capacity,” the senators wrote, “as well as to make sure providers are aware of and able to easily access the $2 billion that Congress appropriated to provide testing for the uninsured.”   https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/06/22/senators-find-14-billion-unspent-funds-after-trump-admits-ordering-slowdown-covid-19

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June 21, 2020

Statue of Francis Scott Key, composer of the U.S. national anthem, pulled down in San Francisco. “… Key — whose lyrics include ‘land of the free’ — was an owner of slaves and defended in court slaveholders’ rights to own human property, according to The Smithsonian.”   https://abcnews.go.com/US/protesters-bring-statue-francis-key-scott/story?id=71359718

Bay area statues of Spanish colonizer Junipero Serra and U.S. president Ulysses Grant also pulled down. “Grant signed legislation that promoted white Americans’ westward expansion onto Native lands, according to the site, as well as the establishment of reservations, schools and churches blamed for the destruction of Indigenous culture.”   https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/06/20/junipero-serra-statue-toppled-at-golden-gate-park/

Graphic novel Tiananmen 1989: Our Shattered Hopes is told by a participant. “(Lun) Zhang said that the comics format provided a key means of capturing the emotion of the demonstrations, in a way that does not necessarily come across in text. ‘… some reporting on Tiananmen… didn’t reflect enough on the will of students to cooperate with the authorities in peacefully reforming China.'”   https://edition.cnn.com/style/article/tiananmen-square-massacre-graphic-novel-comics-journalism-intl-hnk/index.html

In a nod to his (maskless) supporters, President Trump says protesters tearing down Confederate statues want to ‘demolish our heritage’. “Trump’s rally, just a day after Juneteenth and located in a city (which was) the site of one of the worst race massacres in US history, defended confederate monuments around the country.”   https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/06/20/kung-flu-takeaways-trumps-tulsa-rally/3231998001/

President Trump admits at rally that he ordered decrease in coronavirus testing. “Here’s the bad part: when you do testing to that extent, you’re going to find more people, you’re going to find more cases. So I said to my people, slow the testing down please.”   https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election/trump-rally-speech-tonight-coronavirus-testing-tulsa-covid-19-a9577576.html    Apparently he cares more about getting re-elected than protecting the public….

Life in a developed market economy: Consumers in six states may have been poisoned by tainted salad mix. “The Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention both issued safety alerts Friday advising consumers in six Midwestern states to avoid select salads sold at Hy-Vee, Aldi and Jewel-Osco stores…. there have been 76 confirmed illnesses with 16 hospitalizations reported in Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Minnesota.”   https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/food/2020/06/20/garden-salad-recall-cyclospora-outbreak-aldi-hyvee-jewel-osco/3229225001/

Five passengers who were removed from an American Airlines flight after change of seat dispute sue. “(Elgin) Banks was told that he could move to a different seat after boarding was completed, according to the lawsuit. After it was announced that everyone had boarded the plane, several passengers who were not Black switched seats…. (When Banks asked if he could also change seats, he) was removed from the flight, and the other passengers were ‘escorted off as well as each of them were witnesses advocating for Elgin’, the suit states.”   https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/passengers-sue-american-airlines-racial-discrimination-after-black-man-removed-n1231597

Canadian police warn Saudi resident that he may be at risk of an attack by his own government. “Omar Abdulaziz, a 29-year-old activist who had a close association with Jamal Khashoggi, the murdered Washington Post journalist, told the Guardian that he believed he was facing a threat to his safety and that the Canadians had credible information about a possible plan to harm him.”   https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/21/exclusive-saudi-dissident-warned-by-canadian-police-he-is-a-target

Federal judge refuses to force Kentucky to provide more voting sites, says one polling location per county won’t suppress turnout. “Kentucky officials have slashed the number of polling sites from 3,700 to 200 statewide. Jefferson (County), where Louisville sits, will have 1 site for (767,000) people.”   https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/06/20/voting-rights-advocates-warn-impending-disaster-kentucky-after-bid-increase-slashed

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