February 28, 2024

Widow of successful investor donates $1 billion to medical school to abolish tuition. “The donation marks the largest made to any medical school in the United States. It was made by 93-year-old Dr. Ruth Gottesman, the chair of the Einstein Board of Trustees and a former professor. The money came from her late husband’s investment in Berkshire Hathaway — an investment that is now changing lives. ‘My mom’s been a physician for 30 years,’ said first-year student Leeva Laub. ‘She’s still paying off her debt for medical school. Like this is really, really life-changing. I think people don’t even comprehend how much it can change the trajectory of our life. We’re really, really grateful.’ ….Officials say the gift is intended to attract a talented and diverse pool of students who may not otherwise have the means to pursue a medical education.”  https://abc7ny.com/einstein-medical-school-bronx-albert-montefiore/14469941/

Aaron Bushnell, the soldier who immolated himself in front of Israeli embassy, told friend U.S. troops were fighting in Gaza. “‘He told me on Saturday that we have troops in those tunnels, that it’s US soldiers participating in the killings,’ the pal, whose ties to Bushnell have been verified by The Post, claimed. ….’He told me that we had troops on the ground, you know, that were there and were killing large numbers of Palestinians.’ ….Aaron also supported the Burning River Anarchist Collective and Mutual Aid Street Solidarity on his Facebook page. Bushnell’s friend said he had no idea the devout Christian would commit suicide, especially since the airman previously told him he was against it.”   https://nypost.com/2024/02/27/us-news/aaron-bushnell-claimed-secret-knowledge-of-us-forces-in-gaza/

U.S. cities break February high temperature records. “Some of the cities that saw their hottest February day on record [on Monday] include Omaha (80 degrees), Des Moines (78 degrees), Minneapolis (65 degrees) and Abilene, Texas (94 degrees). ….In Fort Hood in Killeen, Texas, the thermometer hit an astounding 100 degrees. ….After hitting a record-breaking 80 degrees on Monday, St. Louis soared to 86 on Tuesday, the all-time record for St. Louis in February. ….Over 40 cities set record highs on Tuesday. Detroit hit 73 on Tuesday to break the all-time record highs for February. Tuesday also saw Wisconsin all-time record highs for the month in Milwaukee (74), Green Bay (70) and Madison (70).”   https://www.foxweather.com/weather-news/soaring-temperatures-record-breaking-warmth-end-february   It’s going to be a long, hot summer…. Better get used to it.

NATO countries say they have no plans to send troops into Ukraine, in response to suggestion by France’s president. “Macron’s comments were interesting in part because he wasn’t talking about an alliance-wide initiative (which would require consensus among all 31 members) but rather an individual bilateral initiative of the sort that’s used to help train and arm Ukraine’s military. Even so, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and even the United States swiftly disavowed his idea. ….’We will continue to provide Ukraine with comprehensive military assistance, but as a NATO member, Canada has no plans to deploy combat troops to Ukraine,’ said [Ministry of Defense spokesperson] Diana Ebadi.”   https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/macron-ukraine-russia-putin-1.7127500

Macy’s to close more than 150 department stores nationwide. “On Tuesday, Macy’s said the 150 stores would close over the next three years, 50 of which will be closed by the end of 2024. At least 400 employees at the [San Francisco] Union Square Location are impacted, according to the UFCW Local 5, which represents workers there. ….Macy’s says the closures are due to sluggish sales and they’re hoping to fend off a pending takeover bid.”   https://abc7news.com/san-francisco-macys-sf-union-square-retail-store-closure-location-closing/14473247/

CEO of Kellogg’s suggests that financially struggling families eat cereal for dinner. “Kellogg’s CEO and chairman is being compared to Marie Antoinette after he suggested Americans start having cereal for dinner to deal with rising food costs amid inflation. Gary Pilnick made the controversial comments during an appearance on CNBC last week, sparking backlash online from many offended by the suggestion from the CEO, who makes more than $4 million a year. ….’If you think about the cost of cereal for a family versus what they might otherwise do, that’s going to be much more affordable,’ Pilnick said, claiming that it could help a ‘consumer under pressure’ because the price of a bowl of cereal with milk and fruit ‘is less than a dollar’. ….’Hey, what stage of capitalism is this?’ asked a TikToker before sharing footage of the CEO’s suggestion. ….Others pointed out that cereal prices have also gone up by 28 percent thanks to inflation.”   https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13132325/Kelloggs-CEO-suggestion-Americans-eat-cereal-dinne.html

United Auto Workers union claims more than half of employees at Alabama Mercedes-Benz plant have signed union cards. “Hitting a majority of sign-ups marks a milestone for the UAW as it seeks to represent workers at foreign-owned auto plants in the South. The union has struggled to organize such facilities for years but has seen a surge of interest from workers following its historic strike against Ford, General Motors and Jeep parent company Stellantis last year. ….The union can file for an election when at least 30% of the proposed bargaining unit have signed authorization cards, but unions typically wait until a strong majority of workers ― often two-thirds or more ― have gotten onboard before seeking a vote, assuming the company will try to erode support. The union needs to get more than half of the votes cast to win. About 6,000 employees work at the Tuscaloosa plant producing sport utility vehicles, according to Mercedes. Opened in 1995, it was the company’s first major vehicle production plant outside its home country of Germany.”   https://www.huffpost.com/entry/alabama-mercedes-united-auto-workers_n_65dd0ad5e4b0189a6a7f0197

Ukrainian drone operator captures video of UFO over battlefield. “‘Ukrainian defenders filmed an unidentified disc-shaped object in the combat zone. pic.twitter.com/Ak8wKUbAPm ✙ Albina Fella ✙ 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇫🇷🇩🇪🇵🇱🇺🇸🇨🇦🇦🇺 (@albafella1) February 28, 2024‘ ….’Why isn’t it moving?’ one serviceman asked, after the object appeared to remain still despite the drone zooming in. ‘I’m telling you, it’s a UFO, for sure. It is staying in place, on the screen,’ one member of the battalion said. ‘Zoom in more. It’s standing still, do you see?’ another said.”   https://www.newsweek.com/mystery-ufo-spotted-drone-ukraine-war-1874156

Federal judge dismisses lawsuit of tortured Gitmo detainee. “U.S. District Judge Thomas Rice ruled Tuesday that the suit Abu Zubaydah filed last year against psychologists James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen was precluded by a 2006 federal law limiting the ability of war-on-terror detainees who are not U.S. citizens to sue in U.S. courts over their detention or treatment. Lawyers for Abu Zubaydah, born in Saudi Arabia to Palestinian parents, argued that the legislation applies only to U.S. government employees and not to contractors like Mitchell and Jessen. But Rice, an appointee of President Barack Obama, disagreed. ….After being captured in Pakistan in 2002, Abu Zubaydah, also known as Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Husayn, was waterboarded at least 83 times while in CIA custody, according to a Senate Intelligence Committee report released in part in 2014. The report said he was also subjected to a variety of other torture techniques, including being confined in a small box and being placed in so-called stress positions. ….The interrogation sessions led by Mitchell and Jessen at a so-called black site in Poland continued for 17 consecutive days in August 2002. ….At a military tribunal hearing for another detainee in Guantanamo in 2020, Mitchell testified that he repeatedly begged officials at CIA headquarters to be permitted to end the simulated drownings of Abu Zubaydah but officials insisted they continue, the New York Times reported.”   https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/27/al-qaeda-operatives-lawsuit-cia-waterboarding-00143644   How about a law to block civilians killed by U.S. drone strikes from suing? Or blocking lawsuits by people who were victimized after U.S. orchestrated coups in their countries brought repressive regimes into power?

Overwhelming majority of Americans favor ceasefire in Gaza. “When asked if they support the US calling for a permanent Gaza ceasefire and a general de-escalation of violence, 67% of respondents said they did, including 77% of Democrats, 69% of Independents, and 56% of Republicans. ….In the latest poll, voters were then asked if they would support the US calling for a ceasefire, de-escalation, and the “release of Israeli hostages from Gaza.” Including the call for the release of hostages increased support to 74%.”   https://news.antiwar.com/2024/02/27/poll-two-thirds-of-us-voters-support-us-pushing-for-a-permanent-ceasefire-in-gaza/

China calls on governments with nuclear weapons to make ‘no first use’ pledges. “During the [U.N. Conference on Disarmament’s] weekly meeting in Geneva on Monday, Sun [Xiaobo] said the body should define a roadmap or timetable for an international legal instrument that would protect non-nuclear-weapon states from the threat of nuclear weapons. ‘Nuclear-weapon states should negotiate and conclude a treaty on no-first-use of nuclear weapons against each other or make a political statement in this regard,’ Sun said. China and India are currently the only two nuclear powers to formally maintain a ‘no first use’ policy. Russia and the United States have the world’s biggest nuclear arsenals.”   https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-02-27/china-urges-un-to-define-roadmap-to-exempt-non-nuclear-states-from-nuclear-threat-state-media-says

More than 100,000 Michigan Democrats vote ‘uncommitted’ in primary election. “It is a warning shot to the Democratic party, and shows more signs of expanding than diminishing as the primary season wears on. In just four weeks, the uncommitted campaign mobilized a cohort of progressives concentrated in the suburbs of Detroit, a region that saw a significant rise in Democratic turnout four years ago. ‘This is a humanitarian vote,’ said the [Listen to Michigan] campaign’s manager, Layla Elabed, a 34-year-old lifelong Democrat, as she sipped coffee at a Yemeni cafe on a frigid Sunday morning, two days before the vote. ‘Right now, Joe Biden sits in a place of power where he can actually change course and save lives.'”   https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/28/michigan-uncommitted-vote-biden-israel-support

Sen. Bernie Sanders says U.S. spending too much on weapons. “In an article published Tuesday in The Atlantic, Sanders (I-Vt.) called for a revived Truman Committee—a World War II-era bipartisan congressional panel ‘designed to rein in defense contractors, closely oversee military contracts, and take back excessive payments’. ‘America’s national priorities are badly misplaced,’ [Sanders] asserted. ‘Our country spends, with almost no debate, nearly $1 trillion a year on the military while at the same time ignoring massive problems at home. We apparently have unlimited amounts of money for nuclear weapons, fighter planes, bombs, and tanks. But somehow we can’t summon the resources to provide healthcare for all, childcare, affordable housing, and other basic needs. The United States remains the world’s dominant military power,’ the senator continued. ‘Alone, we account for roughly 40% of global military spending; the U.S. spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined, most of whom are allies. Last year, we spent more than three times what China spent on its military.’ ….Sanders noted that nearly half of the approximately $900 billion the U.S. will allocate for military spending this year ‘will go to a handful of huge defense contractors enjoying immense profits.'”   https://www.commondreams.org/news/sanders-military-spending-2667378533

Huge tax cuts for the rich have fueled inequality and austerity. “An analysis released Tuesday by Oxfam estimates that the richest 1% in G20 countries have seen their top income tax rates plummet by around a third in recent decades, a trend that the group attributed to political and economic elites’ years-long ‘war on fair taxation’. Oxfam’s analysis was published as G20 finance ministers and central bank governors convened in São Paulo, Brazil for their first meeting of 2024. The humanitarian and anti-poverty group noted that in Brazil, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy, the mega-rich pay a lower effective tax rate than the average worker following years of regressive cuts across the G20, which is home to most of the world’s billionaires. In 1980, Oxfam said Tuesday, the average top marginal tax rate across G20 nations was 59.5%. By 2022, the top rate had been cut to 40.4%—a 32% drop. In the U.S., tax cuts under the Bush and Trump administrations cut the top marginal rate for wealthy Americans and added roughly $10 trillion to the national debt.”   https://www.commondreams.org/news/oxfam-war-on-taxation

1/3 of Americans polled say constitution gives citizens too much freedom of speech. “According to a new poll from the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), a First Amendment organization, nearly a third of Americans, including similar numbers of Republicans and Democrats, say that the First Amendment goes ‘too far’ in the rights it guarantees. More than half agreed that their local community should not allow a public speech that espouses a belief they find particularly offensive. ….The survey, which was conducted in partnership with the Polarization Research Lab (PRL) at Dartmouth College, asked 1,000 Americans about their opinions on free speech and expression. The survey found that ‘when it comes to whether people are able to freely express their views,’ over two-thirds of respondents said they believed America was headed in the wrong direction. [And what direction is that? Headed towards too much censorship and intolerance? Or the opposite?] Further, only 25 percent of respondents agreed that the right to free speech was ‘very’ or ‘completely’ secure. ….The survey also asked respondents to read a dozen controversial statements and pick the one they found most offensive. The most disliked beliefs were that ‘all whites are racist oppressors’, [LOL!] followed by statements like ‘America got what it deserved on 9/11’ and ‘January 6th was a peaceful protest’. The survey then asked respondents whether they’d agree with allowing this opinion to be expressed in different circumstances. Half of the respondents said that their community ‘definitely’ or ‘probably’ should not permit a public speech expressing the opinion they found most offensive.”   https://reason.com/2024/02/27/poll-almost-a-third-of-americans-say-the-first-amendment-goes-too-far/  Free speech for me, but not for thee.’ If ‘offensiveness’ is the criteria for censorship, then almost all political speech would end up being banned because someone is going to be offended by any controversial statement.

February 27, 2024

Denmark ends its investigation into Nord Stream ‘critical infrastructure’ bombings. “Denmark on Monday said it was closing its investigation into the blasts on the Nord Stream pipelines transporting gas from Russia to Germany in 2022. ‘Based on the investigation, the authorities can conclude that there was deliberate sabotage of the gas pipelines. At the same time, it is assessed that there is no necessary basis for pursuing criminal proceedings in Denmark,’ Danish daily newspaper Politiken reported, citing the Copenhagen police. Earlier this month, Sweden announced it was ending its investigation into the mysterious explosions that blew up the undersea pipelines after concluding that the country’s courts do not have jurisdiction over the case.”   https://www.politico.eu/article/denmark-police-closes-investigation-into-nord-stream-explosions-sweden/   “Nothing to see here, please move along!”

Four undersea cables reportedly damaged near Yemen. “The first reports of damage to submarine cables off the coast of Yemen began emerged on Monday morning, with Israeli news outlet Globes claiming that four cables (EIG, AAE-1, Seacom and TGN-EA) had experienced damage. Seacom has reportedly confirmed damage to a cable it operates on a stretch between Kenya and Egypt. ….Globes attributed the outages to the Iran-backed Houthis, and claimed the damage was “significant, but not critical,” because several other undersea cables serve the region. Seacom has already reassured customers it has re-routed traffic onto other cables.”   https://www.theregister.com/2024/02/27/red_sea_cables_houthi/

Russia takes village of Lastochkyne. “Lastochkyne lies to the west of Avdiivka, a suburb of Donetsk city that the Kremlin‘s forces captured on Feb. 18 after a four-month battle. The outnumbered defenders were overwhelmed by Moscow’s military might, and Ukraine chose to pull out its troops and mount a defense elsewhere. ….Russian state-owned news agency RIA Novosti quoted local commander Andrei Mordvichev as saying troops had pushed Ukrainian forces back by 10 kilometers (6 miles) and were continuing with their offensive. The agency said a key Ukrainian supply route ran through Lastochkyne. It was not possible to independently verify each side’s claims.”   https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-village-withdrawal-lastochkyne-ae2da8175d4307eb65090efecc7aa7c0

Federal Trade Commission and state attorney generals sue to stop merger of grocery chains. “In a release, the FTC said it issued an administrative complaint and authorized a lawsuit in federal court to stop Kroger’s $24.6 billion acquisition of Albertsons, which would create one of the largest grocers in the country. A bipartisan group of nine attorneys general has joined the court complaint: from Arizona, California, Washington D.C., Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon and Wyoming. ‘Kroger’s acquisition of Albertsons would lead to additional grocery price hikes for everyday goods, further exacerbating the financial strain consumers across the country face today,’ said Henry Liu, director of the FTC’s Bureau of Competition. ‘Essential grocery store workers would also suffer under this deal, facing the threat of their wages dwindling, benefits diminishing, and their working conditions deteriorating.’   https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/26/ftc-sues-to-block-kroger-albertsons-grocery-store-merger.html

AT&T will give cell phone subscribers $5 credit as compensation for day-long outage. “AT&T said it will provide a $5 credit to customers who were ‘potentially impacted’ by Thursday’s widespread network outage, when tens of thousands of customers reported losing cellphone service for much of the day. In a letter sent Sunday to AT&T employees, CEO John Stankey said the $5 credit is the cost of ‘essentially a full day of service’. ….’We understand [the outage] may have impacted their ability to connect with family, friends, and others,’ AT&T said in its statement. ‘To help make it right, we’re reaching out to potentially impacted customers and we’re proactively applying a credit to their accounts.'”   https://www.cbsnews.com/news/at-t-outage-credit-how-to-get-it/   $5! Looks like I won’t be changing carriers after all.” (sarcasm)

Lawyers for family of Long Island, NY man who died after police beating ask judge not to reverse verdict. “Suffolk County lawyers argued in a motion filed in November that the evidence presented at trial did not justify the $35 million verdict — $13.5 million in compensatory damages and $21.5 million in punitive damages — the jury awarded [Kenny] Lazo’s family last summer. ….Lazo’s family filed a wrongful-death lawsuit in 2009 naming Suffolk County, its police department, five police officers and others as defendants, arguing that officers unnecessarily beat Lazo with heavy flashlights and their fists after stopping his blue Cadillac without cause. The case eventually went to trial last year, 14 years after the lawsuit was filed. A total of 36 injuries were found on Lazo’s body, including on his head, neck and torso, [attorney Frederick] Brewington said during his closing argument in the trial. An autopsy conducted by the Suffolk County medical examiner determined that Lazo died from cardiac arrest…. The five officers named as defendants in the case were the subject of dozens of complaints and lawsuits alleging police misconduct, Brewington and [Scott] Korenbaum said in the court papers, but they were never held accountable.”   https://www.newsday.com/long-island/crime/kenny-lazo-wrongful-death-lawsuit-35-million-verdict-u8x6phsv

Millville, NJ settles excessive force lawsuit over violent jaywalking arrest. “A New Jersey city agreed to pay $60,000 to a man who said he was beaten by police officers in 2017, according to court records. ….[Barry] Cottman argued in his lawsuit that he was ‘not engaged in any unlawful activity’ when two officers approached him with ‘one or more groundless accusations of supposedly wrongful or inappropriate conduct’. Police officials said at the time Cottman was jaywalking and resisted arrest. Cottman was seen pinned to the ground by the officers next to a metal fence near Mulberry Street in a video taken by a bystander. One officer is seen in the video repeatedly punching Cottman while another restrains him.”   https://www.nj.com/cumberland/2024/02/nj-city-agrees-to-60k-settlement-in-police-excessive-force-lawsuit.html

50 arrested at Gaza ceasefire protest in NYC during Biden TV appearance. “[Jewish Voices for Peace] activists wearing shirts reading ‘Not In Our Name’ unfurled banners and chanted slogans inside 30 Rockefeller Center in Midtown Manhattan, where Biden was taping an interview with the eponymous host of the ‘Late Night Show With Seth Meyers’. ‘Biden, Biden, you can’t hide, you are funding genocide’, the protesters chanted. Banners implored the president to ‘Stop Arming Genocide’ and push for a ‘Lasting Cease-Fire’ in Gaza, where more than 100,000 Palestinians have been killed or wounded and around 90% of the population has been forcibly displaced since the October 7 attacks on Israel.”   https://www.commondreams.org/news/50-arrested-in-jewish-led-protest-of-gaza-genocide-at-biden-tv-taping

February 26, 2024

U.S. Air Force soldier sets himself on fire outside Israeli embassy in Washington. “The burn victim, who identified himself in video of the incident as 25-year-old Aaron Bushnell, reportedly succumbed to his injuries on Sunday night, according to independent journalist Talia Jane, who posted on social media that she is in contact with Bushnell’s family and friends. DC FEMS initially said an adult male was transported with critical, life-threatening injuries to an area hospital, and authorities have confirmed neither the identity nor updated condition or status of the person when asked by TIME. ….’I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I’m about to engage in an extreme act of protest,’ the airman repeated, in footage reviewed by TIME, as he walked toward the driveway of the Israeli embassy. ‘But compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it’s not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.’ After Bushnell doused himself with liquid and reached for his lighter, unidentified law enforcement or security officers could be heard asking off-screen, ‘Can I help you?’ After setting himself aflame, he repeatedly shouted ‘Free Palestine’. ….In December, an unidentified person with a Palestinian flag was left in critical condition after they lit [themselves] on fire outside the Israeli consulate in Atlanta.”   https://time.com/6821425/israel-embassy-air-force-protest-fire-self-immolation-aaron-bushnell-latest-updates/   For goodness sake, don’t do this! It’s not going to make a difference, and it’s EXTREMELY painful. Participating in normal protests and voting for someone besides Joe Biden or Donald Trump is far more effective. Pass a petition to get Jill Stein or Cornel West on the ballot.

Supreme Court to decide if social media companies are publishers of content or transmitters of users’ content. “On Monday, the Supreme Court will debate the fate of laws passed by those states to limit the ability of social media giants such as Facebook, YouTube and X to moderate content. ….The trade groups representing the nation’s social media companies, as well as the Justice Department, say the Supreme Court should strike down the state laws because they are an infringement on the companies’ First Amendment right to free speech, consistent with the court’s 1974 ruling that Florida couldn’t require a newspaper to publish replies to editorials. ….But Florida and Texas say social media platforms are less like newspapers and more like telephone and telegraph operators who are transmitting content generated by customers, not creating it themselves. ‘The telephone company, internet service provider, and delivery company can all be prevented from squelching or discriminating against the speech they carry,’ Florida’s lawyers have told the court. ‘And so can the platforms.'”   https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/02/25/supreme-court-social-media-case-texas-florida/72687015007/   We saw the government transform into a police state after 9/11, targeting innocent Americans with warrantless surveillance, searches at airports, and police militarization, and then more recently we saw heavy-handed social media censorship in the name of fighting ‘disinformation’. They are coming for your constitutional rights. Don’t let them take them without a fight. It’s not hard to imagine a future where no one will be able to protest against this anymore. Your comments will be banned or shadow banned and you’ll be charged with domestic terrorism for complaining about it. We’re on the verge of adopting the Chinese model of social and political control.

Four more universities agree to settlements over financial aid lawsuit. “Dartmouth College, and Rice, Vanderbilt and Northwestern universities agreed to pay a total of $166 million to settle claims filed in a 2022 class action lawsuit alleging the schools colluded on the amount of financial aid awarded to students, while favoring applicants from wealthier families. The settlement comes after Yale, Columbia, Duke, Brown and Emory agreed to pay a combined $104.5 million to settle their portions of the case last month. In 2022, the University of Chicago agreed to settle for $13.5 million. ….If approved, the total settlement amount in this case will now be $284 million. US antitrust law allows higher education institutions to work together to come up with financial aid awards for applicants as long as they do not weigh any student’s ability to pay tuition when considering whether to accept them, a practice referred to as ‘need-blind’ admission. But attorneys for the eight former students who brought the lawsuit forward say 17 of the top universities in the country either failed to adhere to need-blind admission or colluded with such schools in setting their financial aid awards, which has reduced price competition among the schools and disfavored students who need financial aid, according to court documents.”   https://abc7chicago.com/northwestern-lawsuit-private-university-financial-aid-settlement/14467262/

President of Ukraine claims only 31,000 of the country’s soldiers have died fighting Russia. “According to [Volodymyr] Zelenskyy, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s forces have suffered 500,000 casualties in the war, including 180,000 soldiers killed. That compares with a figure of 315,000 Russian troops killed or wounded given by a senior U.S. Defense Department official earlier this month. The figures could not be independently verified.”   https://www.politico.eu/article/31000-ukraine-troops-killed-in-russias-invasion-zelenskyy-says/

Human Rights Watch accuses Israel of obstructing ‘basic services’ and humanitarian aid, in violation of ICJ/World Court ruling. “… Israel continues to obstruct the provision of basic services and the entry and distribution within Gaza of fuel and lifesaving aid, acts of collective punishment that amount to war crimes and include the use of starvation of civilians as a weapon of war. Fewer trucks have entered Gaza and fewer aid missions have been permitted to reach northern Gaza in the several weeks since the ruling than in the weeks preceding it, according to United Nations Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). ….’The Israeli government has simply ignored the court’s ruling, and in some ways even intensified its repression, including further blocking lifesaving aid.'”   https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/02/26/israel-not-complying-world-court-order-genocide-case

February 25, 2024

Suspect in murder of Augusta, Georgia jogger is a Venezuelan asylum seeker. “The body of Laken Riley, an Augusta University student who once attended UGA, was found Thursday in a forested part of the UGA campus after she had gone for a run. [Jose] Ibarra was arrested and charged Friday with malice and felony murder, aggravated battery, kidnapping, concealing the death of another and other charges in the killing of  in the death of the 22-year-old. ….’We got married so we could join our asylum cases,’ Ibarra’s ex-wife Layling Franco] told The Post. ….Ibarra’s brother, who was arrested for drunken driving in Georgia in September, was nabbed this week for presenting a fake green card to police as they questioned suspects in Riley’s death, according to federal prosecutors in the Peach State. He used the illicit green card two weeks ago to secure a temporary position as a dishwasher at the University of Georgia, the school told The Post in a statement.”   https://nypost.com/2024/02/24/us-news/migrant-suspect-in-laken-reilly-murder-was-busted-in-nyc-for-child-endangerment/

Police ID mourners attending Orthodox service for Alexei Navalny. “Muscovites lined up outside the city’s Christ the Savior Cathedral to pay their respects, according to photos and videos published by independent Russian news outlet SOTAvision. The video also shows Russian police stationed nearby and officers stopping several people for an ID check.  As of Saturday evening, at least 38 people had been detained in Russia for showing support for Navalny, according to the OVD-Info rights group that tracks political arrests.”   https://whyy.org/articles/russian-opposition-leader-alexei-navalny-body-handed-mother/

Jury finds former National Rifle Association CEO guilty of misusing organization’s money. “Jurors ordered [Wayne] LaPierre to pay $4,351,231 in restitution. NRA general counsel John Frazer and retired finance chief Wilson Phillips were also defendants in the case. Any penalties paid by LaPierre or others would go back to the NRA, which was portrayed in the case both as a defendant that lacked internal controls to prevent misspending and as a victim of that same misconduct. [New York Attorney General Letitia] James also wants the three men banned from serving in leadership positions at any charitable organizations that conduct business in New York. A judge will decide that question during the next phase of the state Supreme Court trial.”   https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/23/nra-lapierre-lawsuit-lavish-spending-00143038

Cook County judge invalidates Chicago’s ‘millionaire tax’ ballot referendum to tax sales of mansions. “Chicago voters should not get to decide during the March 19 primary whether to give the Chicago City Council the power to hike taxes on the sales of properties worth $1 million or more to fight homelessness, a Cook County judge ordered Friday. The decision by Cook County Judge Kathleen Burke represented an initial victory for the real estate and development groups that sued the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners to knock the proposal known as ‘Bring Chicago Home’ off the ballot, arguing that it improperly asked voters to decide three issues, when state law limits ballot measures to only one question. The question will remain on the ballot, but the results will not be tallied and reported unless Burke’s decision is overturned by a state appeals court.”   https://news.wttw.com/2024/02/23/judge-orders-proposal-hike-taxes-sales-million-dollar-homes-ballot-appeal-promised

US and UK carry out strikes on 18 more targets in Yemen. “The US says Saturday’s strikes were directed against storage facilities, drones, air defence systems, radars and a helicopter of the militant movement. ….’These precision strikes are intended to disrupt and degrade the capabilities that the Houthis use to threaten global trade, naval vessels, and the lives of innocent mariners in one of the world’s most critical waterways.'”   https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68395173

21 arrested at anti-government rally in Tel Aviv. “Twenty-one people were arrested at the anti-government protest in Tel Aviv earlier this evening, the Israel Police says in a statement, alleging that they had ‘gathered illegally’ in the street and disturbed the peace. ‘Unfortunately, today we saw a number of protesters who came with the purpose of confronting the police, and not for a legitimate protest,’ the statement adds.”   https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/21-arrested-in-tel-aviv-protests-as-police-say-they-came-for-illegitimate-reasons/

University students discover their school’s vending machines are using facial recognition. “Canada-based University of Waterloo is racing to remove M&M-branded smart vending machines from campus after outraged students discovered the machines were covertly collecting facial-recognition data without their consent. The scandal started when a student… posted an image on Reddit showing a campus vending machine error message, ‘Invenda.Vending.FacialRecognitionApp.exe’, displayed after the machine failed to launch a facial recognition application that nobody expected to be part of the process of using a vending machine. ….Adaria Vending Services told MathNEWS that ‘what’s most important to understand is that the machines do not take or store any photos or images, and an individual person cannot be identified using the technology in the machines. The technology acts as a motion sensor that detects faces, so the machine knows when to activate the purchasing interface—never taking or storing images of customers.'”   https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/02/vending-machine-error-reveals-secret-face-image-database-of-college-students/   It seems like it would be far cheaper to just use a motion detector, so I’m a bit skeptical about their explanation.

Renters being hit by huge rent hikes. “[Kaitlin Murray] said she’d just received her lease agreement for the next year for her 450-square-foot high-rise home in Boston. She moved into the apartment in 2021, she said, and paid $2,600 per month. Now, she said, her landlord wanted $3,444. ….[Ora Hardesty] said her rent in Savannah, Georgia, had increased from $1,300 to $1,800. ….’Millennials are bearing the brunt of this economic downturn because they are the first generation statistically to do worse than their parents across the board in terms of financial health,’ [real estate agent Alana Lindsay] said. ‘They have large sums of student loans that previous generations did not have, huge medical expenses, credit card debt, and low wages, and are fighting against the overall decrease in the economic mobility of the United States.'”   https://www.businessinsider.com/millennials-priced-out-of-homes-now-they-cant-afford-rent-2024-2   Huge rent hikes are painful for anyone who is struggling financially, no matter when they were born. Since the owners’ mortgage interest rates are probably not going up (unless it’s a brand new building), and since many of them own the buildings outright, it looks like a particularly cruel form of ‘greedflation’.

Washington, D.C. police sergeant pleads guilty to involuntary manslaughter in fatal shooting of fleeing motorist. “Sgt. Enis Jevric, 42, was charged last March with second-degree murder, illegal use of a firearm and violating the civil rights of An’Twan Gilmore. Jevric shot Gilmore, 27, of the District’s Park Morton neighborhood, after he was found unconscious or asleep at the wheel of a BMW stopped at a traffic light at New York and Florida avenues NE shortly before 3 a.m. on Aug. 25, 2021. At least one officer noticed a handgun in Gilmore’s waistband, police said. After a few minutes, body-camera footage shows officers with guns drawn gathered around the car while one tapped on a window with a baton. Gilmore awoke and began to drive away. Officers shouted, ‘Don’t move!’ raised their weapons, and Jevric alone fired 10 rounds in two lethal bursts as the car moved away.”   https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/02/23/dc-police-antwan-gilmore-shooting-manslaughter-plea/   I don’t understand how firing 10 shots at someone can be ‘involuntary’.

Donald Trump promises Christians that if he’s elected they’ll have power over public education. “Trump said during his speech at the annual conference of the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) in Nashville, Tennesse that he would defend ‘pro-God context and content’ on the nation’s AM radio stations as he told the audience that religion is ‘the biggest thing missing’ in the United States and warned, without evidence, that Christian broadcasters were ‘under siege’ by the left and a ‘fascist’ Biden administration. ‘We have to bring back our religion,’ Trump declared. ‘We have to bring back Christianity.’ Striking a Christ-like pose at one point with his arms outstretched as if on a cross, Trump mentioned his legal struggles, including multiple criminal indictments and civil judgements, and said, ‘I take all these arrows for you and I’m so proud to take them. I’m being indicted for you.’ ….he also promised to close the Department of Education so that Christian fundamentalists could take over school policy at the state level…’If I get in, you’re going to be using that power at a level that you’ve never used before.'”   https://www.commondreams.org/news/trump-christian-nationalists

Populism, fake populism and anti-populism: An interview with Thomas Frank. “So, years ago, I was fascinated by Populism. By which I mean the political movement in the 1890s, the people who invented the word ‘populism’. It was a sort of farmer-labor movement, and it was particularly strong in my home state of Kansas. For a while, the Populists basically ran the state. I knew the subject very well. I really admired the original Populists and I couldn’t believe it when people started using that word as a kind of shorthand for ‘racist demagogue’, which is what they were doing with Donald Trump. It drove me crazy because that’s not what populism was, and that’s not what the word means to me. Now there are ways to say that Donald Trump mimics populism or that Donald Trump is a kind of phony populist or that Donald Trump and the Republican Party is building a kind of a weird ‘shadow left’, which is what they are doing. I think all of those things are correct, but to just call him a populist made me mad…. The Populists were intensely focused on working people, on the working class, they talked about it all the time. And what they’re coming together for is also important: economic democracy. They’re coming together to help out the people at the bottom. Farmers, laborers — they’re looking for the eight-hour day. They’re looking for a federal farm program. They’re looking for a sort of war on monopolies. They’re looking for a banking system that works for ordinary people. They’re not looking for tax cuts for the rich. They’re not trying to put America back on the gold standard. So that’s my definition of populism. ….The Bernie Sanders movement is very much in this same vein. And when you look at someone like Donald Trump or any of these other Republicans that I’ve been writing about my whole life, it’s a cynical, shadowy kind of fake populism, fake workerism, fake left. ….When I talk to Europeans and I describe what the Populist Party believed in, they say, ‘Well, that’s just social democracy.’ And that’s true. It is. That is absolutely correct. But it’s the American version of that. ….[The ruling elite] didn’t welcome this new left-wing movement with open arms. They feared and hated it. They despised it. They regarded it as the coming of the class war. They thought it was the French Revolution all over again and things really came to a head in the year 1896. There had been an economic depression, there were strikes all over the place, the Pullman Strike famously — probably the biggest national strike we’ve ever had…. The newspaper owners of America began this incredible campaign of hysterical attacks on William Jennings Bryan; they claim, ‘This is the class war! This is the French Revolution! This is Jacobinism come home to America, and we’ve got to stamp this thing out!’ And their one-word description for Bryanism — for all of the ills that I just mentioned — was ‘populism’. This is what they called it. Bryanism was populism. Populism is anti-intellectualism. It’s mental illness. It’s this uprising of the lower orders who don’t understand all this stuff. They succeed and beat Bryan, and the Populist Party basically falls apart because they’ve made this incredible compromise in order to back William Jennings Bryan and now it’s come to nothing. And so that’s the end of them. ….There’s also an anti-populist tradition where this same sort of understanding of working-class movements keeps resurfacing — that they’re dangerous, that they’re led by demagogues, they’re anti-intellectual, that they’re trying to put the worst people in charge of society. ….This sort of anti-populist tradition really dislikes democracy and it’s strong in American life. ….The two parties in this country basically represent the two elites. The Republicans are your kind of business elite, but a certain kind of entrepreneurial, small business elite. And the Democrats represent essentially everyone else. So Silicon Valley, Wall Street, Hollywood, Big Pharma, Big Medicine, all that’s the Democrats. ….democracy has always been a contested value in America. And what I mean by that is that the Founding Fathers didn’t like democracy. This is a bad word to them. This was something that they were afraid of. That sense of democracy meant mob rule. That idea persisted and persists to this day. But the problem is that at some point, they couldn’t say that democracy meant mob rule anymore because America had fought two world wars for democracy. We were supposedly the ‘arsenal of democracy’. And they had to come up with a different word to describe this fear of ordinary people and ‘rule by the masses’. And so the word they came up with was ‘populism’. And it’s now the vehicle now for expressing that fear.”   https://jacobin.com/2024/02/populism-history-working-class-dig

February 24, 2024

Fact checkers surprisingly unconcerned about Democrats’ frequent portrayals of Donald Trump as a Putin puppet. “Over the course of the many years that journalists, political operatives, and special investigators doggedly pursued this matter, they turned up no evidence whatsoever that there are hidden motivations explaining Trump’s seeming affection for Putin. Yet Democratic pundits and congressional leaders continue to portray a rhetorical and political disagreement—they are more anti-Russia, Trump is less anti-Russia—as evidence Trump is a Manchurian candidate. ….So when [Nancy] Pelosi continues to say that Trump’s behavior is best explained by some secret Russian connection, she is clinging to a theory that doesn’t hold much water. It’s always possible, of course, that subsequent reporting will reveal Putin is in fact either blackmailing Trump or paying him off. But for the time being, the sort of speculation both Pelosi and [Jen] Psaki are engaging in is wildly speculative. Note, however, that no mainstream fact-checking organization or misinformation watchdog group is springing into action to correct their claims. ….It’s very telling what gets counted as misinformation and what doesn’t.”   https://reason.com/2024/02/22/jen-psaki-and-nancy-pelosi-push-a-conspiracy-theory-about-trump-and-putin/

European countries being held accountable for participating in U.S. torture program, but not U.S. “In the case of Mustafa al-Hawsawi v Lithuania, the court found that the latter violated the European Convention on Human Rights due to its complicity in the CIA’s secret detention programme and its mistreatment of al-Hawsawi, a Saudi national. Lithuania was ordered to pay compensation to the victim worth $108,660 for the time he was at ‘Detention Site Violet’, a CIA black site it hosted. ….This judgment is the latest in a series of court rulings holding European countries accountable for their involvement in post-9/11 abuses. The European Court previously ruled against Poland, Romania, Italy and Macedonia. Other European institutions, including the European Parliament and the Council of Europe, as well as individual European countries, have also taken measures for accountability, although they have not always been ideal. The UK paid over $28.8m to Iraqi victims for documented war crimes and abuses during its involvement in the US-led invasion of Iraq. ….Sweden compensated Mohammed Alzery and Ahmed Agiza, who were forcibly deported to Egypt at the request of the CIA and tortured. ….Canada, too, apologised and paid $8.1m to Omar Khadr, a Canadian national, over its role in his imprisonment in Guantánamo; it also compensated Maher Arar, another Canadian national, with the same amount over its role in the US government’s decision to deport him to Syria, where he was detained for a year and tortured. ….There have been only minimal steps towards accountability within the US judicial system. An investigation into abuse at Abu Ghraib prison resulted in the court martial of 11 low-level soldiers. An Obama-era investigation into 101 CIA interrogations that used ‘enhanced interrogation techniques’ found only two merited further inquiries. In 2012, the investigation was closed without further action. According to Human Rights Watch, out of 506 claims made as of 2007 under the Foreign Claims Act, which allows foreign nationals to seek compensation, there is a record of only one being paid – $1,000 for unlawful detention in Iraq. ….The US is not above international law and must not be allowed to continue dodging justice.”   https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2024/2/19/the-united-states-must-be-held-accountable-for-its-war-on-terror-crimes

Florida journalist arrested for hacking Fox News actually just clicked on a link, claims lawyer. “The FBI raided [Timothy] Burke’s home in Tampa on May 8, 2023, and according to the Tampa Bay Times, FBI agents ‘took electronic devices and computers he used for his media business’. ….’Seizing news-gathering materials from a journalist is, in effect, a prior restraint that stops the journalist from publishing news. That’s why it almost always violates the Privacy Protection Act and the [Justice Department’s] own policies,’ said Seth Stern, the advocacy director for [Freedom of the Press Foundation]. ….The Times also highlighted a July letter sent to federal prosecutors, where [attorney Mark] Rasch told the government that ‘Burke obtained the videos by following a hyperlink to the live video feeds.’ He did not need a username or password to access the videos. The videos also were not encrypted. ‘No special tools were used to access the material.’ ‘Once content is made public on the internet, it doesn’t require special legal permissions to access,’ Rasch asserted.”   https://thedissenter.org/us-government-indicts-journalist-for-scouring-internet/

Jill Stein cancels event due to ‘severe food poisoning-like symptoms’. “Jill is currently recovering from severe food poisoning-like symptoms, and is in the hospital for treatment and testing…”   https://twitter.com/TeamJillStein/status/1760477097330712668

10th anniversary of coup that overthrew Ukraine’s elected president, which eventually led to war with Russia. “‘I am not leaving the country for anywhere. I do not intend to resign. I am the legitimately elected president,’ [Viktor] Yanukovych told a television station in the eastern city of Kharkiv. Claiming that the political crisis resembled the rise of the German Nazi party, Yanukoych said he would not be leaving the country. ‘Everything happening today can primarily be described as vandalism, banditry and a coup d’etat. That is my assessment. This is not an opposition,’ he said. ‘These are bandits.’ However, as he spoke, parliament voted to dismiss the president, and voted to impeach the president. The assembly also set May 25 as the date for fresh elections. Yanukovych added that his car had been targeted by a gunman, although he showed no signs of injury. ‘My car was shot at. I am not afraid. I feel sorrow for my country,’ he told UBR television. ….Opposition leader Vitaly Klitscko told an emergency session of parliament on Saturday that Yanukovych had left Kyiv. ‘Today he left the capital,’ said the retired world boxing champion. ‘Millions of Ukrainians see only one choice – early presidential and parliamentary elections.'”   https://www.dw.com/en/yanukovych-denies-resignation-claims-coup-is-in-progress-in-ukraine/a-17451230

Australian police officer accused of killing ex-boyfriend and the man’s current partner. “An Australian cop has been accused of murdering his TV-personality ex-boyfriend and the former beau’s current partner following the couple’s mysterious disappearance earlier this week. New South Wales senior Constable Beau Lamarre, 28, turned himself over to police Friday morning and is set to be charged with two counts of murder in the suspected deaths of host Jesse Baird and Luke Davies, according to the BBC. Baird, 26, a presenter and red carpet reporter for Australian media company Network 10, was believed to be inside his Paddington home with Davies, 29, on Monday at the time of their disappearance. Law enforcement began their search of the two men after their bloodied items were discovered by a worker inside a dumpster on Wednesday in the southern Sydney suburb of Cronulla, approximately 17 miles from the house.”   https://nypost.com/2024/02/23/world-news/australian-cop-beau-lamarre-accused-of-murdering-tv-host-jesse-baird-and-partner-luke-davies/

Former Dickinson, TX police officer facing excessive force charges in connection with arrest of elderly man. “A police officer is facing two charges related to a 2022 encounter with a 65-year-old man in a Dickinson parking lot. Michael Kinsley, who was a patrol officer at the time of the incident, was charged with official oppression, a misdemeanor, and injury to the elderly, a felony. He’s accused of throwing Michael Scurlock to the ground and handcuffing him in the parking lot of a Family Dollar along Highway 3 on Feb. 22, 2022. According to investigators, Kinsley lied to responding paramedics about Scurlock’s condition. ….Scurlock suffered a brain bleed and spent two weeks in the ICU. After that, he was in constant need of treatment for nearly a year before he died, authorities said. The Galveston County Medical Examiner ruled his death was due to Parkinson’s and made no mention of the trauma he suffered in the parking lot, officials said.”   https://www.khou.com/article/news/crime/dickinson-police-officer-charge-injury-elderly/285-c102e0c0-f6ee-44a0-b9a8-74f38d1a2b98

February 23, 2024

Alexei Navalny’s mother says she’s being pressured into having ‘secret funeral’. “In a video message on Thursday, Lyudmila Navalnaya said she was driven to a morgue on Wednesday evening where authorities showed her the body. Navalnaya said she recorded the video because she was being threatened into agreeing to a secret funeral for her son and that the authorities refused to give her his body unless she agreed to their terms. ….Navalnaya said the investigators threatened to let her son’s body rot unless he is buried in secret. ‘Time is not on your side, corpses decompose,’ she was told. She said she wanted everyone for whom Navalny’s death was ‘a personal tragedy’ to have an opportunity to say goodbye to him. Shortly after Navalnaya’s message was published, Navalny’s team announced that a death certificate shown to her said the opposition leader died from ‘natural causes’.”   https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/22/jailed-kremlin-critic-urges-russians-not-to-give-up-after-navalny-death

Head of World Health Organization calls Gaza a ‘death zone’.Speaking at a media briefing in Geneva, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus pointed out severe malnutrition has increased from less than 1% to more than 15% in the Palestinian territory, where World Food Program workers aren’t safe enough to distribute supplies in the north and the largest hospital in the south is besieged and barely functional. ‘Gaza has become a death zone,’ Tedros said…. ‘What type of world do we live in when health workers are at risk of being bombed as they carry out their lifesaving work?’ The U.N. World Food Program said Tuesday that it was pausing aid distribution in northern Gaza amid ‘complete chaos and violence due to the collapse of civil order’, citing supply trucks getting swarmed by starving crowds and aid workers encountering gunfire and looting.”   https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/israel-hamas/2024/02/21/israel-hamas-war-gaza-live-updates/72681790007/

AT&T claims nationwide loss of cellphone service due to software update gone wrong. “AT&T told ABC News in a statement that the outage was not a cyberattack but caused by ‘the application and execution of an incorrect process used as we were expanding our network’. ….The software update went wrong, according to preliminary information from two sources familiar with the situation. Sources have told ABC News that there was nothing nefarious or malicious about the incident. The outage was not caused by an external actor, according to a source familiar with the situation. AT&T performs updates regularly, according to the source. ….Verizon and T-Mobile both told ABC News that their respective networks are not experiencing outages but customers may experience difficulty when contacting individuals affected by outages at other providers.”   https://abcnews.go.com/US/att-outage-impacting-us-customers-company/story?id=107440297

Google’s Gemini AI providing users with historically incorrect images, such as African Nazi soldiers and  U.S. senators from the 1800s who are Black, Native American and female. “Google began offering image generation through its Gemini (formerly Bard) AI platform earlier this month, matching the offerings of competitors like OpenAI. Over the past few days, however, social media posts have questioned whether it fails to produce historically accurate results in an attempt at racial and gender diversity. ….For now, Gemini appears to be simply refusing some image generation tasks. It wouldn’t generate an image of Vikings for one Verge reporter, although I was able to get a response. On desktop, it resolutely refused to give me images of German soldiers or officials from Germany’s Nazi period or to offer an image of ‘an American president from the 1800s’.”   https://www.theverge.com/2024/2/21/24079371/google-ai-gemini-generative-inaccurate-historical

Major airlines made more than $33 billion in 2023 from luggage fees. “That accounted for about 4.1% of global airline revenue in 2023. It was also an increase of 15% from the $29 billion the companies collected in 2022, according to a report from IdeaWorks Co. and CarTrawler…. It comes from checked baggage in the aircraft hold, added fees for heavy and extra-large bags and, in some instances, the price charged for larger carry-on bags. ….American upped how much it charges for a first bag checked at airport counters from $30 to $40 for domestic flights. Fees for bags checked online in advance increased from $30 to $35. The cost of all second bags rose from $40 to $45 for domestic flights.”   https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/top-airlines-rake-in-33b-in-revenue-from-bag-fees   Oh, you want LACES with those sneakers? That’s going to cost you an extra $4.

Former DEA agent accused of taking bribes, protecting criminals. “A former Drug Enforcement Agency official made $250,000 by taking bribes from the Mafia and offering protection to his criminal allies in Buffalo, New York, according to prosecutors. Joseph Bongiovanni, 59, allegedly used the veneer of a veteran DEA agent to derail investigations of his childhood friends, cover for a sex-trafficking strip club and even help a connected high school English teacher keep his marijuana-growing side hustle. ….His protection ranged from providing an ‘all clear’ assuring trafficker friends they were not on law enforcement’s radar to leaking intelligence and opening fictitious cases that made it appear he was investigating them or relying on them as informants, prosecutors said, a sort of catch-and-kill tactic that prevented other law enforcement agencies from pursuing their own cases. This also positioned Bongiovanni to receive notice any time another agency became interested in one of the targets, a process known as deconfliction.”   https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13114283/DEA-agent-JosephBongiovanni-trial-Mafia.html

Donald Trump reportedly receiving more donations from blue-collar workers than Joe Biden. “Among the 15 companies most often listed in campaign finance records, workers at heavily unionized UPS were the most likely to donate to Donald Trump in the second half of last year, according to Bloomberg News. Employees at Google and Microsoft were most likely to donate to Biden, with 90 percent of presidential donations from Google employees going to the Democrat, according to the outlet’s analysis of public campaign finance records. The divide reflects not just on the candidates, but also their parties, and an ongoing shift among blue-collar workers in heavily unionized sectors away from Democrats and towards Republicans. ….the Bloomberg data showing that donations from workers at General Motors and Ford were nearly evenly split in the last six months of 2023. But other heavily unionized companies, including American Airlines, showed more employee donations to Trump. Trump was also favored among workers at Delta, Walmart and FedEx, which have large blue-collar workforces. Companies with more employees donating to Biden included IBM, Kaiser Permanente, Wells Fargo, Amazon and AT&T. The Bloomberg analysis shows the professions most likely to donate to Trump are farmers, truckers, entrepreneurs, mechanics and construction workers. Those most likely to donate to Biden are professors, psychologists, social workers, scientists and writers.”   https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13115925/More-bad-news-Biden-Blue-collar-workers-hes-desperate-attract-donating-far-Trump-Dem-instead-attracting-highly-paid-tech-workers-bankers-struggles-shake-touch-image.html

Role reversal: U.S. defends oppression of ethnic minorities, China says colonized populations have a right to rebel. “State Department lawyer Richard Visek presented arguments for the U.S. yesterday. ….’The [International Court of Justice] should not find that Israel is legally obligated to immediately and unconditionally withdraw from occupied territory.’ Alongside Fiji, the U.S. is the only country participating in the World Court hearings in favor of allowing Israel’s decades-long occupation of Palestine to continue. Earlier today, an official from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Ma Xinmin, addressed the court.In pursuit of the right to self-determination, Palestinian people’s use of force to resist foreign oppression and complete the establishment of an independent state is an inalienable right well founded in international law.'”   https://www.democracynow.org/2024/2/22/headlines/us_addresses_icj_in_lonely_unconvincing_defense_of_israels_occupation_of_palestinian_lands   But this doesn’t apply to the Uighur or Tibetan ethnic minorities in China apparently.

Human Rights Watch report documents tactics used by repressive regimes to target dissidents living abroad. “A report published Thursday by Human Rights Watch details how governments around the world relentlessly target dissidents, journalists, and others beyond their borders, resorting to threats, harassment, and even abduction and assassination to silence those perceived as threats. ….In total, the report examines more than 75 cases of transnational repression committed by over two dozen governments. ‘Governments responsible for transnational repression should be on notice that their efforts to silence critics, threaten human rights defenders, and target people based on their identity are no less problematic abroad than they are at home,’ the report states.”   https://www.commondreams.org/news/human-rights-watch-dissidents   Like tampering with their computers?

Israeli airstrikes rain down on Rafah.Reuters reported that Rafah residents described the latest flurry of Israeli attacks as ‘one of their worst nights yet’. ….’Gaza health authorities said 97 people were confirmed killed and 130 wounded in the last 24 hours of Israeli assaults, but most victims were still under rubble or in areas rescuers could not reach. The al-Farouk mosque in the center of Rafah was flattened into slabs of concrete, the facades of adjacent buildings blasted away.'”   https://www.commondreams.org/news/israel-rafah-famine

Chicago Board of Education votes unanimously to remove police officers from public schools. “Local activists have long called for cops to be removed from schools, citing research that shows disparate policing of Black students and students with disabilities. At a board meeting on Thursday, Elizabeth Todd-Breland, vice president of the Board of Education, said a vast majority of schools in Chicago do not have a police presence. The resolution to remove police was about more than just school resource officers, she added. She said it’s also an investment and expansion of holistic school safety, which aims to address the root causes of misconduct. Aaron Kupchik, a professor of sociology at the University of Delaware who has specialized in school policing for the past 15 years, echoed others’ concerns about school police. He noted that there is no consistent evidence that police presence in schools reduces crime. ….Opponents of the change say that it should be left to the Local School Councils, which serve as the governing body for each Chicago public school, to determine whether individual schools need police officers.”   https://www.courthousenews.com/chicago-board-of-education-votes-to-remove-cops-from-chicago-schools/

Overview of Julian Assange UK court hearing. “… prosecutor Clair Dobbin constructed a fantastical story of an evil Assange using nefarious methods to instigate and conspire with a U.S. intelligence analyst to break into government computers with the express purpose of getting informants killed or disappeared and threatening America’s hallowed national security. ….Though the U.S. argument that Assange harmed informants rests on blaming him for publishing the un-redacted cables, there is copious evidence that has been presented in this case to show that it was two Guardian journalists who revealed the password to the un-redacted cables and that hundreds of publications, such as cryptome.org and Pirate Bay, had published them before WikiLeaks did. Assange said he published them only to alert those whose names had already been revealed to seek safety and to ensure that the authentic cables, and not possible fakes, were made public. But he never intended to publish the un-redacted documents at all had they not been already released. ….U.S. Brigadier General Robert Carr, who led the post-Wikileaks investigation into the disclosures’ impact, also admitted under oath at the [Bradley/Chelsea] Manning court martial that no one was killed as a result of the WikiLeaks revelations.”   https://consortiumnews.com/2024/02/22/day-two-us-reinforces-grand-assange-deception/

February 22, 2024

Tennessee police officer was likely texting his wife just before fatal crash. “After handcuffing the [assault] suspect—later identified as Tabitha Smith—and placing her in the back seat, [Meigs County Deputy Robert ‘R. J.’] Leonard radioed in that he was transporting her to jail. But on the way, according to Johnson, the deputy apparently sent his wife a text that read simply, ‘Arrest’. ‘His wife texted back and said, ‘That’s good’ or ‘That’s great,” said Sheriff Austin Garrett of nearby Hamilton County. But at that time, Leonard apparently drove the wrong way down a Blythe Ferry boat ramp and into the Tennessee River. At the same time Leonard texted his wife, dispatchers say they received a garbled radio message from him, with the only discernible word being ‘water’. The following day, a patrol vehicle was removed from the Tennessee River, from which the bodies of Leonard and Smith were later recovered. ….’the deputy, a native of New York, appeared to be texting and radioing while driving in a poorly lit area he was unfamiliar with.'”   https://reason.com/2024/02/20/tennessee-deputy-dies-while-texting-and-driving-killing-suspect-in-the-back-seat/

Japanese gangster arrested after trying to sell plutonium to undercover agent. “Prosecutors said in an indictment that Takeshi Ebisawa, 60, wanted to sell uranium and plutonium — raw material that can be used to build nuclear bombs — on behalf of the leader of an insurgent group in Myanmar, a country also known as Burma. Starting in early 2020, Ebisawa contacted the undercover U.S. agent to sell the nuclear raw material for cash, while also trying to obtain military weapons on behalf of the insurgent leader. During negotiations, Ebisawa asked for $6.85 million at one point for the nuclear material and sought to procure weapons such as surface-to-air missiles, M60 machine guns and AK-47 rifles, according to prosecutors. ….In February 2022, Ebisawa’s associates, who were not identified, met with the undercover U.S. agent in a hotel room in Phuket, Thailand, to show samples of the nuclear material. Thai authorities later confiscated the nuclear material and handed it over to U.S. officials. U.S. officials said they subsequently confirmed that the materials that were in Ebisawa’s possession were radioactive and included weapons-grade plutonium.”   https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/02/22/yakuza-nuclear-weapons-iran/

Biden’s dog bit Secret Service agents 24 times, and unknown number of White House staffers. “… the new documents, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request, reveal the extent to which the situation had become a serious workplace issue for the hundreds of staff supporting White House operations, and how agency personnel changed their habits to avoid being injured by the German shepherd.  ….The documented incidents included members of the Secret Service’s uniformed division, members of the president’s protective detail and other USSS officials. They took place inside and outside of the White House residence, but also at Biden family homes in Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, at Camp David, and in Nantucket, Massachusetts, where the first family spends the Thanksgiving holiday. ….’Commander was over-protective, and even though they tried and tried to work on it, they had to let him go live with other members of their family,’ the source said.”   https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/21/politics/commander-biden-secret-service-bites-white-house/index.html   “I’m in charge of security!” “No, we’re in charge!” “Oh yeah? Let’s see what the ‘big guy’ has to say about that.”

Company accused of hiring underage workers to clean slaughterhouses. “A Tennessee company that provides cleaning services for animal slaughterhouses has employed people as young as 13 years old to clean dangerous equipment on overnight shifts in violation of federal law, according to a court document filed on Wednesday. The filing by the U.S. Department of Labor accused Fayette Janitorial Service LLC of Memphis of employing 15 under-aged workers to clean a Perdue Farms poultry plant in Virginia and nine at a Seaboard Triumph Foods pork-processing plant in Iowa. The equipment cleaned by the young people included machines used to split the heads of slaughtered animals and bandsaws to cut meat. It is unlawful to hire anyone under age 18 to do such work, the Labor Department said.”   https://www.reuters.com/legal/tennessee-company-accused-using-child-labor-clean-slaughterhouses-2024-02-21/

No charges for Seattle police officer who fatally hit pedestrian in crosswalk. “The King County Prosecutor’s Office will not move forward with criminal charges against Seattle Police Officer Kevin Dave in the Jan. 2023 death of Jaahnavi Kandula. ….Dave hit and killed Kandula with his police cruiser while the 23-year-old student was crossing the street in a marked crosswalk on Jan. 23, 2023. Dave was driving 74 miles an hour without continuously running his siren while responding to a drug overdose call, on a street with a speed limit of 25 miles an hour.”   https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/seattle-police-officer-that-struck-killed-jaahnavi-kandula-will-not-face-charges/STCZZSGYBRAJHJQKA3NRZJIBR4/   Don’t try this at home!

Los Angeles police release body camera video of police officers shooting man with plastic fork. “In security footage released by LAPD, six officers are seen approaching the office where [Jason] Maccani had retreated. Police say they gave ‘verbal commands’ for Maccani to exit the location with his hands raised. Officers then ordered Maccani to turn around and walk backward toward them, according to [Capt. Kelly] Muniz. Maccani initially complied but then turned and ‘charged’ toward the officers, Muniz said. One of the officers observed Maccani holding what he believed to be a screwdriver and deployed a less-lethal 40mm projectile launcher at Maccani and another officer fired two rounds of a beanbag shotgun at him, Muniz said, but noted the less-lethal methods were not effective. Maccani continued to advance toward the officers and made contact with one of the officers, grabbing the beanbag shotgun, according to Muniz. Maccani was then shot by another officer’s gunfire, taken to the ground, and taken to the hospital where he later died, according to Muniz. The object initially believed to be a screwdriver or knife turned out to be a white plastic fork.”   https://abcnews.go.com/US/lapd-releases-body-camera-footage-fatal-shooting-man/story?id=107377228   “The caller said Maccani, a graduate of UCLA, appeared homeless and was wearing a brown shirt, blue jeans and a red hat, according to the footage released Tuesday. ….He was an ‘exceptional football player’ at Camarillo High School and graduated from UCLA with a degree in mechanical engineering, the obituary said. He worked in his field of study in addition to teaching yoga and taking on ‘many other people-orientated endeavors’. ….Mike Maccani told the Los Angeles Times his younger brother was in the midst of a ‘bipolar episode’ when he had his deadly encounter with police. Jason Maccani had been struggling with his mental health for some time, his older brother said.”   https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/02/21/lapd-plastic-fork-jason-lee-maccani-shot/72681526007/

Malcolm X’s security guards say they were arrested by NYPD days before his assassination. “Wednesday marked 59 years since the civil rights icon was shot to death as he prepared to speak in the Audubon Ballroom in Washington Heights. It happened in front of some 400 people, including nine police informants. It took place one week after Malcolm X’s home in Queens had been firebombed, so it was clear he was a target. ….Wednesday, [attorney Ben] Crump introduced Khaleel Sultarn Sayyed, who said he was on Malcolm X’s security team. He says he was falsely arrested by the NYPD five days before the assassination. ‘I believe I was detained in this conspiracy by the NYPD … and FBI in order to ensure Malcolm X’s planned assassination would be successful,’ he said. ….Crump also produced an affidavit from a second man on Malcom X’s security detail, who told a similar story of being detained by police so he could not be present at the ballroom the day of the assassination.”   https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/malcolm-x-assassination-police-fbi-conspiracy-allegations/

Two killed, six wounded during Israeli attack on Doctors Without Borders facility in Gaza. “Late on the evening of 20 February, Israeli forces conducted a military operation in Al-Mawasi, located on Gaza’s coastline, during which an Israeli tank fired on a house sheltering [Médecins Sans Frontières] colleagues and their families. The attack killed the daughter-in-law and wife of one of our colleagues, and injured six people, five of whom were women or children. Bullets were also fired at the clearly marked MSF building, hitting the front gate, the building’s exterior, and the interior of the ground floor. ….All parties to the war, including Israeli forces, are regularly informed of the whereabouts, and have acknowledged the presence, of MSF teams in specific locations. Israeli forces have been clearly informed of the precise location of this MSF shelter in Al-Mawasi. In addition to this, a two-by-three metre MSF flag was draped on the outside of the building. No evacuation orders were issued by the Israeli forces before the strike. MSF has since contacted Israeli authorities and is seeking further explanation.”   https://www.msf.org/msf-strongly-condemns-deadly-israeli-attack-msf-shelter-gaza

Beyond Meat launches improved, healthier version of its plant-based burger. “The new burger uses avocado oil, cutting its saturated fat by 60% to two grams. Beyond also slashed the sodium in the plant-based meat by 20%. The ingredient list is shorter but features other new additions, such as red lentil and faba bean protein.”   https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/21/beyond-meat-launches-new-healthier-version-of-burger.html

‘Arrival’ alien-like creature spotted hovering over Fresno, CA. “The video was posted to Nextdoor by a Fresno resident who spotted the object near Shaw and Marks Avenues. Many people commented on the post, with some saying it was just a kite. However, others argued that it was indeed something else. ….No matter what the explanation is, it’s easy to see how some people were freaked out, with the object seemingly resembling aliens seen in movies such as 2005 War of the Worlds, and 2016 Arrival.”   https://kmph.com/news/local/video-creepy-alien-looking-object-seen-flying-in-fresno-skies-creature-unknown-kite-squid-shaw-brawley-avenue-nextdoor-brawley-war-of-the-worlds-arrival-cryptid-tentacles-high-in-sky

CIA-orchestrated coups in Latin America resulted in less democracy, less prosperity, and less freedom, claim researchers. “We studied five CIA‐​sponsored regime changes in Latin America: Ecuador (1963), Brazil (1964), Chile (1964), Bolivia (1964), and Panama (1981). Our research estimates the average effect of these sponsored regime changes on real incomes, democracy, and civil society in each country. Our results show that these CIA interventions had serious political, economic, and civil repercussions for the targeted countries. Our research finds a relatively large income penalty for CIA‐​sponsored regime change. The average effect was a 10 percent reduction in per capita income five years after the intervention. Furthermore, CIA interventions in these countries led to large declines in democracy. Five years after an intervention, the average democracy score (using the Polity IV Project measure) was almost 200 percent lower than the predicted score without the intervention. To the extent that these regime changes were unconstitutional, an immediate drop in the democracy score was inevitable. However, not all regime changes that we studied were of this type, and six years was enough time for a score to recover if a new regime was democratic, but no score did. Finally, our research investigates the effects of CIA‐​sponsored regime changes on governance and civil life in Latin American countries. Our results reveal significant declines in freedom of expression, civil liberty, and rule of law. According to the measures we used, these declines ranged from 20 percent to 35 percent.”   https://www.cato.org/research-briefs-economic-policy/consequences-cia-sponsored-regime-change-latin-america

Spokane county deputy who beat man sleeping in car may face assault charges. “[Kevin] Hinton was driving home from visiting his new baby granddaughter when he stopped in Terrace View Park to nap. The sergeant told Hinton it was illegal for him to be in the park after dark and asked for identification. When Hinton refused, the sergeant pulled him out of his car and violently arrested him, which can be seen in body camera footage of the incident. Hinton was left with eight broken ribs, a punctured lunge, severe concussion, shoulder injury and disfigured lip, according to the attorneys he hired, Tim Note and Josh Maurer.  ….If charged and convicted of the [assault] felony, [Clay] Hilton would no longer be able to work as a peace officer in Washington state and would have to serve at least three to nine months in custody, Note said.”   https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2024/feb/21/spokane-police-find-probable-cause-to-charge-deput/

Israeli military tells its soldiers in Gaza to stop looting and killing civilians. “Israeli military advocate general Yifat Tomer-Yerushalmi issued a public letter on Wednesday to Israeli soldiers deployed in Gaza, warning them against committing ‘criminal acts’ in the strip. The letter was released amid reports of widespread looting by Israeli soldiers in Gaza, to which the Israeli army failed to respond until now. ….The letter follows a series of damning reports that show Israeli soldiers have been looting and vandalising the homes of Palestinians in Gaza. Multiple videos showing Israeli soldiers destroying and looting furniture and mocking the owners and former residents of houses they were ransacking have sparked outrage on social media in recent days. In some of these videos, soldiers are seen boasting about finding wristwatches and stealing rugs, groceries, and jewelry. ….Tomer-Yerushalmi’s message comes a day after similar instructions were sent to troops by the Israeli army chief of staff, Herzi Halevi. The missive stated that the Israeli army was ‘not on a killing spree’, and that soldiers had not been deployed to carry out acts of revenge or genocide.”   https://www.newarab.com/news/israel-tells-soldiers-behave-amid-mass-gaza-looting

February 21, 2024

U.S. vetoes another U.N. Security Council resolution calling for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. “The United States was the lone veto against a U.N. Security Council resolution calling for a cease-fire in Gaza on Tuesday, marking the third time Washington has opposed such a measure. ….Other countries on the Security Council condemned Washington’s move, saying a cease-fire is needed to protect civilians and allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, where an estimated 29,000 have been killed in the four-month war, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.”   https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/20/u-s-vetoes-gaza-ceasefire-resolution-00142229

Transgendered high school student dies after fight in bathroom. “The bullying had started in earnest at the beginning of the 2023 school year, a few months after Oklahoma governor Kevin Stitt signed a bill that required public school students to use bathrooms that matched the sex listed on their birth certificates. A few weeks ago, on 7 February, the bullying allegedly erupted in violence when Nex [Benedict] suffered severe head injuries during a ‘physical altercation’ at Owasso High School, according to the Owasso Police Department. Sue Benedict told The Independent she was called to the school that day to find Nex badly beaten with bruises over their face and eyes, and with scratches on the back of their head. Nex told her that they and another transgender student at Owasso High School had been in a fight with three older girls in a girls bathroom. Nex was knocked to the ground during the fight and hit their head on the floor, according to their mother. ….On 8 February, Nex was getting ready to go to Tulsa with Ms Benedict for an appointment when they collapsed in the family living room. Ms Benedict called an ambulance, and EMT officers arrived to find Nex had stopped breathing. Nex was declared dead that evening in hospital.”   https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/nex-benedict-dead-oklahoma-b2499332.html

An estimated 850 to 1,000 Ukrainian soldiers feared killed or captured during Avdiivka retreat. “Estimates of how many Ukrainians were captured or missing vary, and a precise count may not be possible until Ukraine solidifies new defensive lines outside the city. But two soldiers with knowledge of Ukraine’s retreat estimated that 850 to 1,000 soldiers appear to have been captured or are unaccounted for. The Western officials said that range seemed accurate. ….The Ukrainian military command has acknowledged that some soldiers were captured in the retreat from Avdiivka but has tried to downplay the numbers and the significance. On Saturday, Gen. Oleksandr Tarnavsky, the commander of Ukraine’s military fighting in the area, said on the Telegram messaging application that the retreat had gone according to plan but ‘at the final stage of the operation, under pressure from the superior forces of the enemy, some Ukrainian servicemen fell into captivity.’ He did not disclose how many troops were captured. A senior Ukrainian official insisted that only six soldiers had been taken prisoner in the retreat from the city.”   https://news.yahoo.com/chaotic-retreat-hundreds-ukrainian-troops-185817824.html

Biden administration forgives student loan debt of about 153,000 more borrowers. “The Biden administration on Wednesday said it is automatically forgiving $1.2 billion in student debt for 153,000 borrowers. Loan holders whose debt will be discharged will receive an email from President Joe Biden today informing them of the forgiveness, the Department of Education said. ….The 153,000 borrowers who qualify for the latest debt forgiveness are those who are enrolled in the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) repayment plan and who have made at least 10 years of payments. ….Those who are eligible have been enrolled in repayment plans for at least 10 years and originally borrowed $12,000 or less for college, the Education Department said. For every $1,000 borrowed above $12,000, a borrower can receive forgiveness after an additional year of payments, the department added.”   https://www.cbsnews.com/news/student-loan-forgiveness-1-2-billion-save-plan-what-to-know/

Only 16% of middle class families say Biden administration policies have helped them a lot. “Among middle class families, 16 percent say Biden’s policies have benefited them a lot, while 33 percent say they have benefited them a little. Forty-five percent say they have not benefited them at all and 7 percent aren’t sure. More middle class families say Biden’s policies have helped them a lot, compared to an October 2023 poll, but more respondents also say they haven’t benefited at all. ….According to the poll, 61 percent of Democrats say they are benefiting from the economic growth during Biden’s term, but just 27 percent of independents and 14 percent of Republicans said the same. ”   https://thehill.com/business/economy/4478749-few-say-biden-policies-helping-middle-class-poll/

Washington farmer claims local families saw ‘approximately 100’ UFOs floating over Hanford nuclear weapons site. “‘In the summer of 1965, my parents and my sister – 3 years my senior – witnessed an uncounted presence of UFOs at an area of Hanford’s Atomic Energy Commission at night. My recollection – validated by my sister’s congruent recollection – was approximately 100 hovering and glowing capsular objects randomly distributed across several hundred acres of Hanford’s shrub-steppe lands. They remained glowing for hours and never changed in intensity from their yellowish glow,’ the man [who wished to remain anonymous] explained to me. ….’Our family farmed across the Columbia River from the Hanford AEC reservation and at a higher elevation, so we had a bird’s eye view of the events that night. There were no vehicles with tail lights or headlights active the entire time of several hours. We watched through binoculars for at least 3 hours. Another farm family that reported the event lived/farmed on the opposite side of the AEC lands and they, too, had the advantage of elevation. I had recalled their details correctly as I read their accounting in the local newspaper.”   https://www.outkick.com/culture/outkick-reader-ufo-story-washington-1960s

Police responding to ‘welfare check’ call arrest diabetic NC man who fainted in his car. “A Walmart employee had called 911 after [Dillon] Ledford was found unresponsive in a car in the parking lot. ….’They pull him out of the car, use force, taze him three times, and [Emergency Medical Services] was not called for any of this,’ [girlfriend Leslie McIntosh] claimed. ‘I’m not sure if anybody knows how diabetes works, but he could have died in that parking lot. Nothing was done, EMS was not notified before, during, or after the situation was done.’ McIntosh bailed out Ledford later Friday night and took him to the hospital for treatment.”   https://wpde.com/news/local/spruce-pine-walmart-arrest-north-carolina-police-department-allegations-use-force-taser-mitchell-county-unresponsive-911-call-family-girlfriend-speaks

February 20, 2024

Julian Assange’s last chance appeal of his extradition to the U.S. begins. “In 2013, Edward Snowden, a contractor with the US National Security Agency, leaked documents to WikiLeaks revealing that the NSA had installed digital stovepipes in the servers of email providers, and was secretly filtering private correspondence. Three years later, millions of documents were leaked from the Panamanian offshore law firm Mossack Fonseca, revealing that corporations and public officials had set up offshore companies to evade taxes and hide money that could be used for illicit purposes. Snowden called Assange’s case ‘the most important press freedom case in the world’ on X, formerly Twitter, and legal experts agree. ‘This case is the first in which the US government has relied on the 1917 Espionage Act as the basis for the prosecution of a publisher,’ Jameel Jaffer, a professor of law and journalism at Columbia University, told Al Jazeera. ‘A successful prosecution of Assange on the basis of this indictment would criminalize a great deal of the investigative journalism that is absolutely crucial to democracy,’ Jaffer said, including cultivating sources, communicating with them confidentially, soliciting information from them, protecting their identities from disclosure, and publishing classified information. ‘I really can’t imagine why the Biden administration would want this dangerous, short-sighted prosecution to be part of its legacy. The Justice Department should drop the Espionage Act charges, which should never have been filed in the first place.'”   https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/20/julian-assange-appeals-in-most-important-press-freedom-case-in-the-world   “Protesters have gathered outside court in support of Julian Assange, as the WikiLeaks founder launches his latest attempt to fight his extradition to the US. A two-day hearing in the high court in London will consider whether Australian-born Assange, who has been held in Belmarsh prison for almost five years, can be granted leave to appeal against an extradition decision made in 2022 by the then home secretary, Priti Patel. However, at the start of Tuesday’s hearing lawyers for Assange told the court he would not be attending proceedings as he is unwell. Speaking at a press conference last week, his wife, Stella Assange, said that if the appeal was unsuccessful, Assange would apply to the European Court of Human Rights for a Rule 39 order to stop extradition while it considers his case.”   https://www.theguardian.com/media/2024/feb/20/julian-assange-court-considers-last-ditch-bid-to-fight-us-extradition

U.N. human rights experts accuse Israeli forces of mistreating women and children in Gaza. “The independent experts affiliated with the U.N. Human Rights Council said the allegations constitute ‘egregious human rights violations’, adding to criticisms of the Israeli war effort in Gaza as its military reportedly prepares a ground invasion of Rafah. Specifically, the experts said they were shocked by reports of the ‘deliberate targeting and extrajudicial killing’ of Palestinian women and children in Gaza by Israeli soldiers, including those who were holding white cloth or fleeing. They also condemned the ‘arbitrary detention’ of hundreds of Palestinian women and children with ‘inhuman and degrading treatment’, including going without medical supplies and food. ‘We are particularly distressed by reports that Palestinian women and girls in detention have also been subjected to multiple forms of sexual assault, such as being stripped naked and searched by male Israeli army officers,’ the experts said. ‘At least two female Palestinian detainees were reportedly raped while others were reportedly threatened with rape and sexual violence.'”   https://thehill.com/policy/international/4477340-un-experts-reports-executions-sexual-assault-israeli-soldiers/

Russian troops sustained WWI level casualties to take Avdiivka. “More than 17,000 Russian soldiers were killed in the five months-long fight for Avdiivka, which ended over the weekend, according to Dmytro Lykhovii, spokesperson for Ukraine’s military. An additional 30,000 were wounded, he added. If true, that means that Russia lost more personnel in the half a year fight for Avdiivka than during a decade-long occupation of Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989.”   https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russia-ukraine-war-putin-avdiivka-news-latest-b2499065.html

Higher interest rates have pushed interest payments on U.S. national debt higher than military spending. “Federal debt is at a historic high, having hit a staggering $34 trillion earlier this year. Interest payments on this debt are now the fastest growing part of the federal budget, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. They jumped above Medicaid last year, and will rise above defense and Medicare later this year. ….Net interest has been exploding over the past few years, with payments nearly doubling from $352 billion in 2021 to $659 billion in 2023. In 2024, the federal agency predicts interest will total $870 billion – and surge past $1 trillion annually by 2026.”   https://www.dailymail.co.uk/yourmoney/consumer/article-13101521/interest-payments-national-debt-defense-spending.html

Nancy Pelosi claims none of the weapons Israel has used in its offensive in Gaza have been supplied by the U.S. since October 7, 2023. “Israel is very well equipped with weaponry.  There is nothing that we’ve sent since October 7th that has contributed to this brutality.”   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Hy-oRpG6NI   At 9:20 in the video, interviewer Tim Sebastian asks Nancy Pelosi why the U.S. is supplying Israel with weaponry if it is concerned about so many Gazans being killed.

Tens of thousands protest against Mexico’s president at rally organized by conservative and former ruling parties. “Tens of thousands of demonstrators cloaked in pink marched through cities in Mexico and abroad on Sunday in what they called a “march for democracy” targeting the country’s ruling party in advance of the country’s June 2 elections. The demonstrations called by Mexico’s opposition parties advocated for free and fair elections in the Latin American nation and railed against corruption the same day presidential front-runner Claudia Sheinbaum registered as a candidate for ruling party Morena. Approximately 90,000 people turned out to rail against the leader, according to government figures. Sheinbaum is largely seen as a continuation candidate of Mexico’s popular populist leader Andrés Manuel López Obrador. He’s adored by many voters who say he bucked the country’s elite parties from power in 2018 and represents the working class.”   https://www.courthousenews.com/tens-of-thousands-rail-against-mexicos-president-and-ruling-party-in-march-for-democracy/

Julian Assange could face the death penalty if extradited to the U.S. “… even though [Australian foreign affairs] officials were aware that under U.K. law, a person can’t be extradited to another country if they are to face the death penalty, [they] acknowledged that federally the U.S. still has the death penalty, and conceded that there was a possibility that more charges could be laid against Assange if extradited to the United States. It remains unclear whether the current government or Foreign Minister Wong herself has made any representations to the U.K. government about the terms of any extradition should that be ordered by the U.K. High Court this week. ….U.S. federal offenses punishable by the death penalty include espionage. Even when it was looking at expelling Assange from its embassy, the Ecuadorians sought an assurance from the U.S. that he would not be subject to the death penalty. An oral assurance apparently was given at that time, although the allegation against him then was limited to a charge of computer hacking and did not extend to the subsequent charges under the Espionage Act.”  https://consortiumnews.com/2024/02/19/the-assange-death-plots/

February 19, 2024

Many Alexei Navalny mourners facing criminal charges. “Details of rulings published by [St. Petersburg’s] court service on Saturday and Sunday showed 154 people [in the city] had been given jail time of up to 14 days for violating Russia’s strict anti-protest laws. ….The 47-year-old Kremlin critic died on Friday at the Arctic prison colony where he was being held on charges widely seen as retribution for his [anti-corruption] campaigning against President Vladimir Putin. Police over the weekend arrested hundreds of Russians in dozens of cities who came to lay flowers and light candles in his honour at memorials to victims of Stalin-era repressions. Anti-Kremlin demonstrations or public shows of opposition to the regime are effectively illegal in Russia under strict military censorship rules and laws against unapproved rallies.”   https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240218-russian-courts-sentence-dozens-detained-at-events-commemorating-alexei-navalny

Fort Worth brewery workers go on strike. “…on Saturday morning, members of Teamsters Local 997 hit the picket line outside the Molson Coors brewery in Fort Worth. The Teamsters say they are looking for a new three-year contract for the 420 workers who work at the only brewery that services the entire Western region of the United States with major Molson Coors products that include Topo Chico, Simply, Pabst, and Yuengling, among other major beverage brands. The 420 members of Local 997 say they are fighting for higher pay, health care and retirement benefit improvements in a new contract.”   https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/texas-molson-coors-strike/3465118/

When AI lies. Man sues Air Canada over chatbot error. “In 2022, Jake Moffatt contacted Air Canada to determine which documents were needed to qualify for a bereavement fare, and if refunds could be granted retroactively. According to Moffat’s screenshot of a conversation with the chatbot, the British Columbia resident was told he could apply for the refund ‘within 90 days of the date your ticket was issued’ by completing an online form. Moffatt then booked tickets to and from Toronto to attend the funeral of a family member. But when he applied for a refund, Air Canada said bereavement rates did not apply to completed travel and pointed to the bereavement section of the company’s website. ….’There is no reason why Mr Moffatt should know that one section of Air Canada’s webpage is accurate, and another is not,’ [judge Christopher Rivers] wrote. Air Canada must pay Moffatt C$650.88, the equivalent of the difference between what Moffatt paid for his flight and a discounted bereavement fare – as well as C$36.14 in pre-judgment interest and C$125 in fees.”   https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/16/air-canada-chatbot-lawsuit